June 24 – Horwath suggests 14 yr olds should be able to vote

Rotzy’s flabbergasted everywhere this week…but medium pizza with olive is better in Nakina

Are You Kidding Me??!!
And making (almost) headlines in the news. I’m talking about Orenthal James Simpson, who is apparently posting messages on Twitter*tm, altho it seems that the twits who operate Twitter*tm, with names like Donald Trump as regular contributors, are saying his (fairly new) venture into social media is ‘encountering problems’. Imagine. And altho Rotzy has zero interest in whatever Simpson may have to say or write, in a relatively short trip to Google*tm, it stated that somehow, somewhere, some 750,000 people apparently (no to mention amazingly!) DO. Imagine!! For those with short memories, and if yours truly’s is still functioning, Simpson was found Not Guilty for the brutal murders of his ex-wife and her beau…in a carnival-like trial that went far beyond reality, a farce which became a complete and total embarassment to the US Justice System. And the whole world watched the verdict on TV! As Simpson hugged Johnnie C. and Marcia and Chris looked like they had been kicked in the gut. Hard! It clearly evolved into a trial about ‘race’ rather than ‘two homicides’. In the end, it was Mr. Goldman’s ‘Civil Suit’ that eventually put Simpson behind bars…not for nearly long enough to my thinking, but what do I know? As to his Twitter*tm account, I DO know….after glancing through responses from a couple dozen of Simpson’s 750,000 readers to something he had Twitted, not one of them supported him, and, all but 2 or 3 of ’em couldn’t/wouldn’t be published in The Times-Star or any other newspaper. Imagine!!!

Andrea, Andrea, Andrea!!!
Methinks I first saw/read it on the Internet….by the bye, I’m talking about Andrea Horwath, long-tyme leader of the Ontario NDP, however, after trying to fathom her big new selling point (platform?) Rotzy is wondering just how much longer she will remain in charge of the troops!? In case you didn’t catch it, she wants her party to push for lowering the legal voting age in Ontario to 14! Yes….FOURTEEN!!! What in hell was/is she thinking? She ought to check the stats as to how many 18-19 year-olds bother casting a ballot, then ask herself how many 14 year-olds are capable of deciding (*see below) whom to vote for? and just maybe even wonder why? Well, one of the “F/N” readership actually appears to agree with Ms. Horwath dropping it to 14, however he adds an asterisk and makes a definite point of adding that ”the ‘potential voter’ MUST decide (*see above) which ‘gender’ he or she is going to be within their 13th year”, and at least two weeks BEFORE their 14th birthday! No last minute changing of the mind, eh? I’m interested to see if Andrea’s Orange Team will back her?….or sack her? If you ask me….even if you don’t….it’s the dumbest line a Canadian politician has come up with for a long tyme. Actually, it’s the ‘second dumbest’….the dumbest is coming up in the next item, (*see below)

The “F/N” Quote Of The Week has been awol for a while, but it’s back this week….BIG TYME!! It also happens to grab the ‘dumbest line from an MPP who hails from Ontario’ (*see above). Premier Doug Ford left poor Andrea in the dust last week when he boldly announced to most/all of the media that his ”PC cabinet is the best cabinet Ontario has ever had! Ever”. Then, a day (or perhaps two) later, he shoved them into the ‘shredder’. I think Ms. Mulroney was one of the more prominent names to be axed, but thee biggie was/is Vic Fedeli, The Minister Of Money, or Finance if you prefer. Well sir/m’am, Vic is now the Minister of Nothing Of Any Consequence. From the Penthouse to the Outhouse….ridin high in May, shot down in June (with lyric apologies to Frank Sinatra). Critics are saying the MPP from The Sault failed poorly at ‘selling the budget to Ontarians’…and that didn’t help stop Ford’s PC from almost bottoming out on the Queens Park Popularity Pole/Poll. Anyway, I need to admit something right now….after the last vote I despised Doug Ford….but I’m slowly coming around to quite enjoying the guy! In fact, I got to thinking that he reminds me of a comedian, that I can’t yet put a name to….it’s not Don Rickles or Louie the fat guy, who is always sweating….but Ford’s too cool to be sweating buckets. If y’all have any ideas on whom it may be, lemme know, OK?

More Political Stuff
With Fridays being Order in/Take Out Day for Miz. Jo and Rotzy here at 555 Harris Place, we decided on a pizza from ‘Pizza Pizza’….medium with pepperoni, onions and olives…. I paid for it and the guy said ‘about 15 minutes, sir….hence I went out for a puff (or two) as Jo Ann waited in Edna Equinox, and I spotted a large Federal Liberal Riding Office, so just out of curiosity, I strolled over and went in. I guess it used to be a good sized store/business there and three people were sitting at a table. I noticed I was surrounded by bright colours and rainbows everywhere, so I grabbed a hand fan for Miz. Jo, then I was greeted by Jamie….a VERY enthusiastic guy, who proudly let me know that this riding’s Liberals were the FIRST in all of Canada to open an office when the October Election was called. Unfortunately, his enthusiasm ebbed considerably….in truth it appeared the wind went right out of his sails completely when I asked him ”who do you have running for you in Btfd?”. After a number of reasons/excuses I replied, ”hey! you’ve still got almost four months to get one out there on the hustings”. Not sure if he bought that, so I wished him ‘good luck’ and went for my pizza. It was good, but not in the same league as Sam’s in Nakina!! By the way, we both send our best wishes for Nakina’s July One….kid’s games, splash, BBQ’d burgs and dogs, chili-cook off…..and The Parade!!!

*Thought Of The Day:…Dont’cha hate it when you see some olde person, then realize you went to high school together?!

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