July 8 – health update and more

Summer’s getting better, and Rotzy is too.

Canada Day In Review
July One dawned clear, sunny and hot in Brant’s Ford, as well as most of rest of our province….and that’s the way it stayed, up to and including fireworks displays that evening, thus avoiding showers and t-storms the Weather Channel had been mentioning as ‘possible’. Skyline Living, our landlords here at 555 Harris Place, as well as 575 and 535 Dundsdon, hosted the 3rd Annual July 1st BBQ, supplying burgs, dogs, buns and the trimmings, not to mention one of the live-in managers on the end of the spatula. Of course a goodly number of residents answered the call to bring baked goods, desserts and salads….including a cauldron of Rotzy’s Famous South Carolina-style Cole Slaw, which were all  displayed in the Algonquin Room (where I’m sure sat enough food to feed the British 8th Army!!)….right handy to the outdoor BBQ. Of course you know what happens, or maybe you don’t?, when you set out vast amounts of delicious-looking food in front of a bunch of oldsters….we try our damndest to devour it. However, in spite of a goodly number of us returning for ‘seconds’, some even talking about taking ‘a burg and dog to go’ for supper. It was over by about 3:30 or so….and it was great chatting with some folks we hadn’t seen for a while. And I’m sure we all departed with a smile, to go along with full tummies! Our second Canada Day get together was with my nephews, niece, spouses and their extended families over in Ancaster an hour later, where they enjoyed their 27th Annual! And altho Miz. Jo and yours truly were by far the oldest of the group, we were the ‘rookies’ as it was our first tyme!! Mostly due to distance and travelling. A truly wonderful visit with family….lotsa laughs, ‘memory lane’ stuff, hugs and kisses, and even a few ‘happy’ tears. Rotzy’s already looking forward to next year!

We’d reported last week that Skyline Living captured the semi-prestigious ‘Worst Lawn On Terrace Hill….Commercial Division’….and indications are they fully plan on holding onto ‘the trophy’. The lawns contractor finally showed up last Wed or Thurs and the ‘windrows’ of dead grass they left behind are worse than ever, especially in the dog walking area…as Fido, Fifi and their owners all track it into the lobby, the elevators and the carpeted halls. Rotzy got in trouble when I brought in about half a bale in my pretend Crocs*tm!! Oooops! On the other hand, I’m pleased to report all the plots (6 or 7) in the vegetable garden area appear to be growing well! We’re #4 and have finished the first batch of radishes and multiplier onions. Green beans this week. By the bye, Skyline has nothing to do with this venture, we do it all ourselves….people who like to watch things grow….and then eat them!

Health Update
Due to popular request….and to satisfy reader’s curiosity….here’s this olde guy’s current status. Sorry, but due to the nature of its’ content, I’m asking folks to once more ‘keep this under your hat’, if you get my drift. My colonitis-inspired diarrhea (hereinafter referred to as “D”, or ”The Big D” is going into month #3, which means Nurse Jo Ann tends to keep me on a rather short leash, if you get my drift….and we’ve ‘upgraded’ to ‘Cashmere Ultra X 3*tm….methinks that’s the same one the bears like in the commercial? Anyway, my doctor is taking me off certain meds that MIGHT (as a side effect) cause The Big D. One of the first was Metformin*tm, which diabetics use to keep their sugar #’s in line. Well sir/m’am, I’m almost three months without them and my glucose numbers are as right as rain. Does that mean I’m NOT a diabetic anymore? Like, an ‘un-diabetic’? Plus, I got some more good stuff to pass on to y’all….I’m not deaf as a post anymore! Miz. Jo was pretty much fed up with me answering her with a “Pardon?”, ”What?” and/or ”Huh?” EVERY tyme she spoke to me! Anyway, after some searching I found the ear squeegie which I haven’t used since forever. So…SO….for the uninitiated, you fill the rubber bulb with water as hot as you can stand, squirt it into your ear, and catch whatever comes out in a plastic cup which you hold under the ear. The first two squirts rendered some small white flakes….then comes a large waxy brown blob roughly the size of a 12-volt car battery….same thing with my left ear, but maybe a 6-volt. VOILA!!! Next thing I know, I’m asking her ”don’t talk so loud”. Heck, I can even hear the machine beep when I swipe my card at The In And Out Store!! A whole new world of sounds. Imagine!

Hot! Hot! Hot!
With the hot/humid weather we’ve been subject to here in The Telephone City…..28 to 30C and a ‘feels like’ 38 to 40C….most of us here at 555 are quite relieved today with a High of 25C called for by TWC. Well, Miz. Jo just related some info that had landed on her iPad….Dubai….you know, that country over in/near the Middle East….the one with all the money and gigantic hotels and real estate developments galore? I’m guessing that they’re about 7 or 8 hours ahead of us, and their reported Sun. temperature came in at a sizzling/unbelieving 68C!! Trees catching fire all on their own! Not sure but I think they are near what we call/called The Holy Land, which gives The Burning Bush a whole new slant, you think? Truth be known, I’ve never felt really drawn to Dubai….and now 68C?! No thanks!!

Loyalty You Say?
Kawhi Leonard….’former’ Raptor MVP in the NBA Finals….gone to the LA Clippers for $142 Million over four years. (seems the Raps offered $190 Million over five) *More than one Toronto sports writer say Kawhi was NEVER coming back to Tronna, regardless! Also gone is Danny Green….off to the LA Lakers. You think it possible/probable that We The North just Done Gone South….Jeez…..we hardly knew ye, lads!

*Thought Of The Day…Do fish get cramps after eating??

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