Aug 26 – Grandson visits, mental surfin’

Grandson visits and some summertime mental surfin’…

A Bad Week
….for Rotzy behind the wheel of Norm The Truck….vs Brant’s Ford ‘road ragers’…but clearly a good one for them, and as I recall there were 5 or 6 separate incidents. Including one where yours truly and Norm weren’t even the intended target of his horn honking, as it was clearly aimed at the woman in front of me, and him, because it seemed she wasn’t making her left turn off the Wayne Gretzky Parkway onto Lynden quickly enough to suit Mr. Impatient. Anyway, in no tyme there was a clear break in the oncoming north-bound traffic, then all three of us made the turn. Imagine. By the bye, our grandson is here visiting us (*see below) and was with me for all the rages last week, so he can attest to it/them. Another involved a Ford F-250 whilst leaving Zehr’s Market….a dandy horn blast, a show of temper as he kicked it into passing gear. But the worst one was yesterday (Sat) as I signaled well in advance to make a right turn into our complex here at #555. Some guy in a newish/reddish-coloured Dodge Ram came outta nowhere right onto my tail, and I/we got the whole package from him….an air-horn like blast, multiple ‘flips of the bird’ and a whole string of expletives! He went right apesh–t on the olde guy. Of course I came up with my standard line “Have a nice day now!”….or something like that. Anyway, I’m starting to wonder “what if one of these crazy people want to take their rage to the next level at the next stop light, or maybe even force Norm to the roadside/shoulder”? Then what in hell does Rotzy do if it looks like things may ‘get physical’?! I can’t even remember when was the last tyme I actually had to defend myself, Miz. Jo or others ‘in my care’. I don’t want to start ‘carrying a piece’….aka handgun (*see below), especially since they may be banned shortly. Anyway, I’m not sure why, but my thoughts went immediately to the pail full of hand garden tools in the back seat of Norm. Then I said (to myself) “Hey Toad, do you really think you could ‘defend yourself’ by striking a half-crazed assailant with a hand trowel? Or a dandelion digger”?! Then I added “Forget that Toad, but there IS a 32 oz Stanley claw hammer in your toolbox in the storage locker”! Bingo. It will be in Norm’s back seat with the trowel and cetera in tyme for my buckboard run today!!!

Readers Write
And this one was responding to the Toronto The Good item in this space last week, in which Rotzy delved into the massive problems due to guns and daily shootings in T.O.(*see above) The writer has clearly done extensive studying on this topic and makes no bones about it that the vast majority of the shootings/murders are bad guys on bad guys….or to actually to quote him, ”crooks on crooks”. But this older gentleman reader is not advocating making it illegal to have/carry a handgun. At all. Just the opposite if Rotzy read it correctly. He is very confident his idea will work because of the overall crooks vs crooks assumption….so….SO….he claims they should be assigned/given only the best handguns currently available….then they would be assigned the very best in lessons on all aspects of weaponry and actual target shooting practice….because we don’t want them missing their eventual real life target(s), do we?! Please weigh in on this one….especially if you’re in support of it. *”From Nakina” had a definite feeling this came from Dougie Ford, but after an exhaustive search, we can’t link this to him!

Company’s Coming
to 303-555 Park Road North. First was a good/long tyme friend from Nakina, who visited almost two weeks ago as she, daughter and grandkids did a major tour of S. Ontario…..Niagara Falls and cetera. Next came an old G.M. Truck Plant pal and his wife, who had visited us up at Rancho Deluxe several tymes. Currently, we have our 30-yr old grandson for a week-long visit (*see above). He goes with me daily on my buckboard/shopping run. And we have a couple #555 neighbour friends who have come to see him, one baking him a bag of pumpkin muffins, the other unloading a large assortment of sports paraphernalia. Hey, it’s been great to have them all!

Whilst Showing Points Of Interest
around Brant’s Ford to our grandson (*see above) a name popped up that Rotzy wasn’t familiar with…the Canadian Military Heritage Museum, down on Greenwich Street….alongside the canal. Then again, a LOT has changed since I left Brant’s Ford to move to Peterboro in 1973. Firstly, nearly all the old factories like Cockshutts, Masseys, Coach and Body have had a date with the wrecking ball. There are some as well as parts of others still standing nearby the Military Museum….I’m guessing Westinghouse and/or Behr-Manning. Actually I saw and clipped out an ad for the symphony orchestra playing at The Museum, then proceeded to screw up the date….so, not wanting to do it again, drove by it last Tues, noticing it was open from Wednesdays….and we were there before 11:00AM. If I recall, the host/guide said it was built some 26 years ago….and admission so ‘reasonable’ yours truly made a ‘donation’ as well. Methinks we were there for an hour and a half, but could have stayed MUCH longer. The display that got my attention was their real-life depiction of a trench during The Great War….and there is not anything that had to to with WW I, WW II and Korea that has been missed….with special attention to detail….such as the D-Day Invasion in France! and I believe the man who built the model took some 2500 hours to complete it!! And I have a good reason to go back and see it all again….just grandson and Rotzy went last week, hence Jo Ann will surely find it amazing too.

*Thought Of The Day…Know how most packages you get say ‘Open Here’? What is the protocol if it says, ‘Open Somewhere Else’?

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