Seldom we see hit or miss with good intent but how heartwarming it is when good intentions are received in the same spirit of the intent.

Today I tipped my hat again to Phillips Lifeline, my number one Service Provider agency for a perfect closure to a service which was delivered to my family with precision and care.

My last post of July 25th, 2019 gave credit to this company when one of the staff handled my request to put the service on hold as my family member went to respite.  In my experience, Service Providers are not our friends but in the context of business, there is an expectation that as consumers and Service Providers we can have a mutually beneficial relationship. As we know most of our business agreements or our contracts are mostly done over the airwaves but the human aspect is really what sets to stage for a beneficial relationship/customer satisfaction.

I am pleased to say that in ending my service with Phillips Lifeline I encountered a cup of grace that is not indicative of ending a business relationship based on my experience with Service Providers. The language sounded like an initial encounter of what promises to be a mutually satisfying experience.  I confess that I am aware that the nature of this service must have proven historically that there is a possibility for a return usership of the service. What I am saying is impress a consumer once and the company has won the heart and committment of an entire generation.  If you ask me, nothing is wrong with that. Once  a customer, always a customer.

You have won my heart and I applaud your today for a service well delivered on and off the chart. Well done!  This makes me ask the question, what training content are these staff recieving that makes them so effective.  Philips Lifeline has killed two birds with one stone.  You started cordially, and finished gracefully. I was treated with such respect that I felt compelled to make a second announcement about my final interaction with the company to verify that I was right about the power of “one”. It takes only one to make or break a connection. As a result of my experience, I am convinced that all is not lost when dealing with Service Providers because my hope is renewed. Thank you, Phillips, Lifeline for the glimmer of hope that you have restored to an individual who has had some of the most painful experiences with Service Providers within the last decade or more. Just as I promised on the date of disconnection I will tell anyone who is willing to listen that Philips Lifeline is owned and operated by great individuals. Hurray for Philips and a big shout out to you for a service that delivers more than it promised and wow it’s customers with respect, care, love, and dignity. Continue the good work because there is a great need for your work of integrity. Today I certify your name worthy to be displayed on “Life’s Experience of Fame”.

Connect to Philips Lifeline

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