Sept 30 – Fall down…Jays, Leafs, Timmies car lines…

Some random observations and thoughts…from lazies to losers…


Readers Write
And this particular email dealt with a 1991 Lexus LS 400 (spawned by Toyota), which was termed The Million Mile Lexus, because of the amazing….dare I say mind boggling?…. mileage on the odometer! It’s an amazing tale….perhaps a tad longish?….but it was picked up by a couple other readers. If you want to check it out I’m sure if you Google ‘the million mile Lexus’ I’m betting that will get you there.

Another reader’s note makes a point of the 100% change in thinking as to decorating the interiors of people’s houses. Like, back in the 1950’s the term ‘wall to wall’ meant one thing, and one thing only….carpeting!…and a goodly number of houses, especially new ones, had virtually every square inch of floor covered in some kind of carpet. Yes, including ‘shag’. Well, in 2019 for every contractor/flip-flopper Miz. Jo and Rotzy see on TV, the first thing on the to-do list is ‘if there’s any existing floor covering, get it gone’! Some tymes the original floor stays, most often new hardwood goes down, or ‘pretend’ hardwood. A complete reversal of what they were doing 50-60 years ago. Go figure.

Tim Hortons….
….from what yours truly sees around Brant’s Ford, is BY FAR the busiest/most popular coffee shop, and when it comes to the number of locations, nobody else would even come close to Timmie’s ‘stranglehold’! However, lately I’ve been noticing something I found quite odd at any and all their shops, yet it really has nothing to with Tim, and everything to do with the customers, aka the paying public. The question is ‘why in hell would you sit in your vehicle with the motor running, lined up for 10-15 minutes with 12-15 other cars and trucks for the Drive-Thru….on a lovely summer/early autumn day….when a quick glance of the parking lot would indicate almost nobody inside. Jeez, you could go in, grab a large double-double and a small box of TimBits*tm and be on your way in perhaps 2 or 3 minutes! You suppose the Drive Thru is merely a habit? Or are they all THAT lazy??!!

What A Year???
The 2019 edition of the Toronto Blue Jays will put this miserable season to bed this afternoon as they play the third of a three game series vs Tampa Bay….tied at one W each and playing them in front of 10-15,000 fans! Because Toronto baseball fans don’t care a s–t. Maybe that’s a tad harsh, but clearly they don’t care ENOUGH to show up for their last home stand…against a team that is likely playoff bound, in spite of the Rays own fan shortage. But back to Hogtown, where it’s clearly shown that fans will NOT support a losing team! Check out the Argos, where the crowds at BMO Field can’t honestly be called ‘crowds’ at all. However, the NHL Toronto Maple Leafs are the one exception in cheering for losers….full house guaranteed every tyme….at Maple Leaf Gardens for decades and now in the Scotia Bank Arena, formerly The Air Canada Centre. ‘Non-winners’ since 1967 but who’s counting? I spoke with another Jays fan this ayem, who said it would be nice to see a full dome today. Sorry, not gonna happen. Maybe 20-25,000….which is half full, rather than half empty.

Out and About
     Miz. Jo and Rotzy had a fairly busy week, starting with an afternoon up at Wheelchair Bob and Mary’s. It’s always a funn/surprise thing as Bobber enjoys trying different brown-pops, and he’s really into craft beers. However yours truly has been a ‘Bud Man’ since the John Labatt Company became licensed to brew Auggie Busch’s suds. Yet I step up to the plate when Bob rolls over to me with two cans of his newest/latest brands. Anyway, Rotzy’s yet to find one brand I ‘strongly disliked’….but his first offering last week sure got my attention….a smallish glass bottle and the brand name escapes me, but the label read 7.4%! plus it was brewed in Jamaica! where I thought rum was the only show in town! Next came Budweiser Copper…’s a 6.2% (Bud and Jack Daniels) which I’d previously given thumbs up to. Aside from the brown pop we had a great catch-up visit.*I picked up some Huzuls kielbassa for Miz. Jo’s H/M Cabbage Soup (it was MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!) and sliced off a big hunk and took it up to 5th the floor for Bobber.

Then some more shopping for both of us, including a Rez Run for me for cigs and gas for Norm The Truck. Whoops, I almost forgot, Norm got new rear brakes last week!! The whole enchilada! Pads, rotors, calipers and anything else back there that stops me/us. They weren’t bad, they were awful….and seeing as Tap is now three days from here, Carrier Autocentre (it’s maybe 5 minutes from 555 Harris Place) is my (new) most favourite mechanic. And just like at Tap’s, I got a ride both ways!!

Today….Sunday…..we’re off to Mohawk Park for an event we don’t know much about just yet, other than the term Brownfield tells me/us that it will be about the large parcel(s) of industrial land once occupied by Cockshutts, Massey Harris, Brantford Coach and Body, and cetera. A fairly large number of ideas for what the future will hold for it are in the works, so perhaps today we’ll learn something about it. (*Monday 6:00AM….we sure enjoyed all the displays and saw a 1949 Cockshutt Farm Tractor which my Dad may have helped build!!)

By the bye, I took in a High School football game Saturday in Paris…..first one in a LONG tyme….and I quite enjoyed it in spite of an insistent light rain, along with a couple hundred other fans. For some reason the home team only had something like14 players dressed, and Assumption rolled over PDHS 31-0. Gotta work on next week’s list of ‘potential outings’.

*Thought Of The Day…Many of today’s drivers don’t know what a clutch is. Or that the dimmer switch used to be on the floor. For that matter, the starter was too. If YOU know that, you’re olde!

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