PRODUCTIVITY: 3 apps only, all you need

It’s wishful thinking to believe that only THREE applications are all you need for your computer work but it isn’t far from the truth.

We suggest you make three applications the foundation for your computer computer use. They may not fulfill every need but they will come close for  most users on a daily basis. The holy trinity is GOOGLE CHROME, NOTABILITY and SEARCH EVERYTHING.

Google Chrome 
Google Chrome is actually a suite of applications, the most commonly used of which are Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google photos. 


By far, Gmail is the most used email communications app in the world and it deserves this popularity. It is free. It has security built in and it gets regular tweaking, feature additions and improvements regularly. Other email apps offer excellent features but none has as much all in one package as this app. 

Google Calendar
Again, a free application which will serve your calendar, scheduling and reminder needs without fault. Google Calendar is easy to learn and in no time, a user will find it is an indispensable tool for tracking all appointments, events, and to do tasks. 

Google Photos
Google photos, another freebie within the Google family, is an outstanding photo recording and retetention application with excellent basic features, easy uploading and excellent storage. It is a valuable tool to digital photographers of every skill level.

Unreservedly, the king of all note making applications, Notability can be criticized for one thing only, that it is not available on the WIN10 platform. (Technically, it is but installation is very complicated and only for high level computer users.)

The best note making app of any
is the best note making application for iPads, iPhones and Apple OS systems, period.

We have been using Notability daily for nearly a year and its value as a note making app just grows and grows. We discover new features and new ways to use it regularly.

Note making
Individuals who swear by pencil and paper note making are in for a real discovery, a treasure. Notability is pencil and paper note making on steroids. Anything you can do with pencil and paper is a given and just scratches the surface of what this application can do.


Pencil and paper
Imagine multiple pencils, many colours, varied nibs/tips. customizable writing paper, multicoloured highlighter pens and an eraser available at will. Write notes. Type notes. Relocate notes. Copy notes. Modify notes any way you wish. Store notes without even thinking about a ‘saving procedure.’ Notability will boggle your mind with its capabilities.

Draw, sketch, doodle
Draw, as if you’re doodling on a napkin over coffee. Add colour, broaden the lines for emphasis, all at the “click of a pen.” Idea immediacy, just like on the napking but saved and portable.

Erase with ease
Erase errors as easily as using the eraser on a pencil. Even better, click on an undo command to undo what you have done; repeated clicks undo in progressive steps, step by step. There isn’t a better way to undo errors or mental revisions. Life should have such a tool.

Photos every which away
Take photos and insert them directly into your note. Then write on them, annotate them or mark them up in colours, draw mustaches on all your friends and family, simply lots of fun. But serious stuff too. Import photos from your photo gallery, annotate with explanatory detail. It’s as easy to do as it sounds.

Scan and insert documents
Enhance your notes by scanning and inserting the scanned document into your note. You can even write on the scanned document image.

Speak your notes
Audio record if you prefer to make notes via dictation, leaving a customizable audio recording of your note, your thoughts, your ideas. [ A very minor quibble, the recording is kept in a separate log rather than being tagged for insertion directly into the note itself. ]

Search all notes, even hand written ones
There is a search tool which will find whatever you need found in your note record, even searching hand written notes, efficiently, effectively and successfully. Amazing.

Note making on steroids
Notability is note making on steroids, full stop.

Handwrite, photograph, dictate, scan, record notes in whatever way you like. Your note is recorded electronically which means you can manage it as any digital information. Export it, copy it, relocate it, erase it…do what you want.

Toilet paper roll infinity
Notability has no limit to your note making. Back it up for safekeeping and keep writing as if you are note making on a roll of toilet paper, a big, BIG, even BIGGER roll. We have used one master note for nearly a year without a hitch, without a glitch. Like keeping a journal, an endless one.

Infinite variations and capabilities
The capabilities of Notability seem endless. We discover new and amazingly productive features and uses regularly.

The optimum setup: iPad PRO and Apple pencil 2.0
Our experience has shown that the ideal device for using Notability is an iPad pro; but it works well on a regular iPad. The very best setup is an iPad Pro ( 11 inch ) with an Apple Pencil (vers. 2). Using an Apple pencil is ideal, users can use their finger/finger nail.

Notability, without reservation, is the best note making system of any. We challenge you to find a better, more versatile and more effective note making application.

Search Everything is the hammer, screwdriver and wrench for all your computer work.

Ever pull your hair out trying to find something on your computer, a file, a document, a photo but you cannot remember its exact name. Then, you need the help of a very powerful search tool.

There are three great search applications available to you. Two are free, WIN 10 and EVERYTHING and a fee based one capable of doing much more than the average computer user needs, RECENTx.

This ambitiously named little application will find your file, document, or photo almost instantly. Just type in a reasonable approximation of the title you remember and let the application do its search. Within seconds, Everything lists every computer file using a variation of the approximate title you typed.

Incredibly fast, surprisingly comprehensive and its free. This free program is awesome. And it’s free.

Download the version and choose the program installer you need from this site:



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