PRODUCTIVITY: Computers drive me crazy!

We work with computers a lot. Think it gets easier? No way. 

You will never believe our latest problem and even more, how it was resolved.

We scan a lot. A recent was about Travel and US currency. We found some very useful advice regarding authentication of the currency. Another scan was in order.

Scan failed
Scanning the brochure about American currency failed. Error message followed error message, no matter how many adjustments were tried. Contacting Microsoft and Canon chat support experts resulted in hours of troubleshooting and attempted solutions. To no avail. Hours!

Cables were plugged, unplugged, transposed, replaced. Same with USB cables and port connections. Often changes require a restart of the computer. Hours of work. 

Finally, after nearly six hours of troubleshooting, a Microsoft specialist suggested changing the currency document in the scanner. We flipped the brochure over to its cover side, a drawing of the Liberty bell. Bingo! Success…the scanner worked.

It dawned on us. We understood what was happening. Homeland security hard at work had been stymying us.

Take a look at what we had been trying to scan, with each attempt the scanner balking and another failed scan. Can you guess the problem?

To see what we were trying to originally scan which caused scanner failure each time, click HERE.


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