What exercises should we be doing to stay healthy as we age?

These are must-do exercises no matter what age group yo belong to. They are the foundation exercises one needs to learn and master.

  1. Push ups – Let’s see you can start with a minimum 10–15 push ups every day concept. Do push ups almost every day and see the long term benefits. There are multiple variations in push ups so explore as you move forward.
  2. Pull ups – It’s one of the toughest exercise but feels amazing when you do 10 pull ups like a breeze. Start with 1 pull up target and make it 2 in 45 days. Learn the art of balancing, flexibility and build strong arms/shoulders.
  3. Running – I am not a big fan of running, but when I want adrenaline rush I do running for good 20–30 minutes. My current goal is to add running as part of my fitness regime.
  4. Squats – Ohh!! Good old barbell squats is vital for overall growth and it tests your strength. Start with body weight squats and get into barbell squats. There are various types of squats and activates different muscle groups.
  5. Plank – When i started plank i could barely do 30 seconds plank and during competition I could go about 8 minutes. Plank actives all the abdominal muscle groups and the glutes. If you slouch and want to improve your body posture, start with 30 seconds plank right after finish reading this post.
  6. Deadlift – The nickname for deadlift should be “Hercules”. Period. If you’re trying to lose weight, the deadlift is an important addition to your program. If you’re trying to gain muscle, the deadlift is a must have addition to your program. You want bigger butt, deadlift is your new love. You want strong core, deadlift is your base.
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