Feb 3 – a mite overdoing politics, maybe?

Mite be a tad overboard on the political stuff…but the Trump stuff does get to one.

R  U  Kidding?
….Rotzy never uses that type of ‘short-form script’, do not enjoy it nor see any particular need/reason for it, and I write this (Sat 9:30AM) Miz. Jo just relayed to me that it’s +1C here and -1C in Nakina…the latter of which is a veritable heat wave!!!

Readers Write….
….and the short note which was rec’d here last week at “F/N”HQ as a fwd from Eric K., my boss at the Times-Star, was from a ‘newbie’ who had some kind words about the “F/N” column. As it is pretty much standard procedure for Rotzy NOT to mention readers/contributors names, perhaps we’ll just say that this person recently landed in Greenstone’s second biggest ward…..and, if permitted, I may do my Welcome Wagon impression, ”welcome to this vast municipality….the vastest in the land and bigger than PEI”!!

I Was In The Lineup….
….at the In And Out Store last Fri when this (new-to-me) product name practically jumped at me, right off the tall boy can and outta the display bin beside the #4 check-out. It was/is a cider-flavoured cooler named….”IMPEACHMINT”….a little play on letters in the last syllable. Anyway, what follows here is neither a ‘yay’ nor a ‘nay’….understood?…on what’s going down in D.C. regarding Trump’s ImpeachMENT….merely a “F/N” statement, got it?!’ It says here that the President will quash/crumble/shred/dice it into a million pieces and sweep it under the (nice persian) rug in the Oval Office. The Senate vote went 51-49 against calling more (any?) witnesses….surprise, surprise, surprise! and it says here that that should NOT surprise anybody….so Donald stays in Washington, still calling the shots! However, if you happen to be a Senator or are in The House, who, in any way shape or form, supported his Impeachment, methinks it wise for you to unload your DC area condo ASAP, and look for a smaller dwelling in Cleveland, Des Moines, Macon, Wichita, Oakland or St Louis. Also ASAP. Perhaps you wanna look for another line of work. Hell….maybe even move up to Canada. They let anybody in!! And no, I didn’t give in to buying a can of ‘Impeachmint’ (just out of curiosity) as yours truly ‘doesn’t do coolers’….altho the ‘Best Before’ date showed ‘November 2024’. Be that as it may, I AM into tall boy cans, but mine are red and have B-U-D on the side. As an aside here, Trump also announced that the US has signed the new NAFTA Deal….all on board, now it just awaits Canada’s signature. Yet, if the P/M runs into stiff opposition from the opposition in The Commons and J/T can’t deliver NAFTA….well, the s–t might well hit the fan. Did I just say ‘might’?!

The Show (*see below)….
….as it’s oft called, is on for Sunday! Tomorrow!! Aka Super Bowl Sunday!!! Followed by whatever Roman Numeral is applicable for that year. The teams haven’t played for two weeks as Americans seem to think they need an additional week for the necessary hype. But all it serves to do is increase prices in the host city….for everything from a hamburg, to hotel/motel rooms, to ticket prices….and bump costs for 30 second TV advertisements to levels that boggle the mind. Anyway, The Show begins at Noon (altho Sat afternoon provided plenty of pre-game filler), then The Show. Now, as you go to your fridge for your group’s second round at about 1:15PM, keep in mind the actual game (*see above), doesn’t kick off until 6:30PM. And by that tyme you have been bombarded with SO much Uncle Sam patriotism….in songs, presentations, appearances, what’s new with the Bud Clydesdales this year?, and absolute sheer grandeur. And then, rather sadly, more often than not the game itself does NOT match the hype, aka ‘a Dud’, but whaddya gonna do? Switch your remote to the Dart/Bowling Channel?? ‘Nuff said, tomorrow the Chiefs, lead by their otherworldly QB Patrick Mahomes II, will win by 10 points!! Also, FYI….with chicken wings being the Most Popular S/B Food, I agree with the prediction that the world-wide TV audience of One Billion WILL consume 27 Million MORE wings than last year….which also means more Franks Hot Sauce sold, then an increase in Rolaids sales Monday.

Wiarton Willie Day
….It’s Sunday 10:00AM as I write this, and as Miz. Jo reminded me for the umpteenth tyme it’s ‘six more weeks of winter if it’s cloudy’, well, it’s cloudy here in Brant’s Ford….not to mention three-inches of ‘snow flurries’ on the ground, which I’d heard nothing about. As to the ‘six weeks’, that always got a laugh in Nakina as it’s pretty much common knowledge there that winter lasts almost until the end of April…as to The Telephone City….I hadn’t really taken much notice of winter conditions of any consequence thus far, so I guess we’ll await Willie’s report, however it occured to me that he might be getting a little long in the tooth….you think?….I mean he’s gotta be up there in the 70-75 range, and perhaps he’s ‘not as sharp’ as he once was. Well, we’ll hear him….actually, he’s non-verbal, hence we’ll hear the news reporter….on the Noon news. Stay tuned. Actually, Feb 2nd/Ground Hog Day has always been ‘special’ to us for another reason….it was/is Mother Mary’s Birthday….Jo Ann’s Mother and Rotzy’s ‘favourite Mother-in-law’….who passed away a few years back in her 102nd year. A truly amazing woman….and…..Willie’s got a LONG way to go to reach the numbers Mary put up!

*Thought Of The Day…Why are we so obsessed with trying to find intelligent life on other planets, when there is precious little of it on our own?!

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