2020 – First impressions

It may be first blush, but it sure is nice. Ponce de Leon found it and left it behind for others to enjoy, the fountain of youth, in Florida, in Englewood, Fl to be more precise.

Some Canadians used ‘native transportation.’

Main Street
Dearborn St., 6 blocks away, the main drag to Englewood, Florida, a real joy if you’re a Snowbird in migration as we are. Bistros, bars, restaurants, ‘second round’ shops and clubs, but not clubs like you think. These clubs are the Moose Lodge, the Elks Lodge. And again, even these do not fit the stereo type you are thinking of. The Moose Lodge has a raffle for a Harley, sitting out front for old codger riders to drool over. Two bars, one outside for the younger, non-Moose set, music to rock you; inside, membership preferred but not pushed, big dance floor, jammed with the grey haired set, dancin’ to the oldies goldies but slow stuff, Frankie, Dino, and the Velvet Fog.

Don’t know the Velvet Fog, then you’re too young to be reading this, but you’d still enjoy Englewood. 

Let your hair down, throw away inhibitions, reject judgementalism and of course, eschew ageism totally. This is the attitude for Englewood. It’s a Florida location that rejuvenates the old, recharges the drained and jolts those with low batteries.

Look out the window of your rental: walkers doing their morning jaunts, bike riders pedaling joyfully, dog walkers waggin’ along with their four legged buddies, just lovely. There’s no resisting the temptation to join ’em. They may not be fast, the hands of time slowin’ ’em down some, but they’re still goin’ giving the town a feeling of vibrancy, joy and unexpected vigour.

WARREN, still pluckin’ at near 80.

Mean ‘monica MIKE

Englewood Art Center

Art, painting, sketching, skilled, just-learning, wanting to learn…this place has it. Art workshops, art lessons, art classes…for every skill level. Short ones, longer ones, various media, oil, acrylic, charcoal, pencil.

HAP does Alton Brothers.                 JERRY’s still rockin’ like before

Alright, not artistically bent…fine. Got a voice, enjoy singing? Better yet, play an instrument, no, not at the level of a Haeifetz or Gould? No matter, you’ll fit in. Oh you don’t know Haeifetz or Gould? OK, how about Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger? No, the Traveling Wilburys?  Gee, if none of these names ring bells for you, Englewood ain’t your kind of place. Or maybe amateurs playing music doesn’t resonate in your soul. Then skip the Englewood Centre.

       Welcoming one and all, even the Canadian Snowbirds.

The Markets
Try the farmers markets, markets like you’ve never seen. Crafts, foods,  yummies for the gummy set. Fresh produce, prepared goods, baked goods, all kinds of delicious treats…even found a pizza vendor with an authentic baked tile pizza oven that bakes pizza the proper way, with exceedingly high heat, over 700F, and the oven is portable, on wheels.

Mango Bistro
[Full disclosure: they never gave me a thing to write this.] The Mango Bistro is just one of the eateries on the main drag but you should go there for a coffee, a cafe latte, medium, to be exact. Italian baristas should feel threatened. This bistro makes cafe lattes that rival any made in Italy, and Italians know their coffee making, like no one else in the world…I thought.

The Lemon Bay Playhouse
Live theatre, comedy club, amateur theatre….sold out weeks ahead. Guess the aged crowd wants their live entertainment as much as their dining out and noshing in the bistros. We’ll watch out for the upcoming productions and get back to you.

Those were just the first days
Did we say we haven’t even been here a week? Fermo’s bagged…comes home and hits the napping rug like a flash. 12,000 steps times 4 means he’s hitting 48,000 steps. No matter how you cut it, the Scottie needs recovery time.

Till next time…


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