2020 – the blush becomes rosier

Another day, and even more activities.

Cracker Fair
Not certain the derivation of the name, but we are gleaned from a number of sources that it may come from the noise of the horse whip used by the early settlers here. Sounds good.

But the bigger picture is the activities…again, arts and crafts displays, foods…though surprisingly, only soft drinks, no beer. But there’s likely a sensible reason for that. 

The best event of the fair was music production, a 3 piece band that must have played every country music song ever written. A great show, engaging all the audience oldies into foot-stomping and hand clapping accompaniment. Even, lead singer’s wife sang a few country classics as she channeled Minnie Pearl from Nashville fame.

Just some random thoughts about the fair:

they had birders showing off gloved falcons, barn owls and other birds;
they had a “guest oppossum” who was the hit of the animals on parade;
seniors were well considered as free chairs were available even though the audience was over 200 people…here are some photos though the live music was much more  entertaining:

Americans are a military centred country that pays respect to their vets and those who died in service. Even at this event, hymns to the republic honored the fallen as the entire audience rose and stood to attention.
The honour guard paid tribute to the American Civil war with armament and costumed soldiers.

Back at the ranch
The art centre seems to have something going daily. On this day, a full open house with live music, instructors on hand to answer questions and register new students, and artists working their ongoing creations:

But the area is not dedicate just to seniors. The juniors are considered also as seen by the classes for budding artists.

Till next time…




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