Coronavirus statement by LAKERIDGE HEALTH SERVICES

February 29, 2020
Lakeridge Health received confirmation that two individuals who presented at Ajax Pickering Hospital’s emergency department (ED) on Friday, February 28 have tested positive for COVID-19.
Protocols and precautions were skillfully implemented by the team and there is no risk to anyone in the ED or at the hospital.

The married couple, one of whom travelled to Iran, were tested by the ED team and discharged. They are currently at home in self-isolation and actively being monitored by the Durham Region Health Department (DRHD).

All of our hospitals remain safe and all programs and clinics are operating normally.

Lakeridge Health continues to actively work with the Ministry of Health, public health, GTA hospitals and community and regional organizations on a coordinated response.
At the same time, our team across Lakeridge Health has diligently been preparing for cases of COVID-19 and is fully equipped and prepared to continue to provide excellent care should more cases of this new virus be identified within the community we serve.
In addition to the robust screening and infection control procedures already in place for influenza, the organization has taken a number of steps to prepare for COVID-19, including:

·        Establishing an Emerging Disease Working Group of experts to lead our COVID-19 preparations;

·        Robust screening in our emergency departments and clinics;

·        Intensive training on proper precautions and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);

·        Educating the public about how to protect against infectious diseases including regular hand washing and staying home when sick;

·        Securing a sustainable stock of supplies; and

         Regular communications to our team and community including a COVID-19 web page<>.

An expert group is also planning expanded capacity at our hospitals if we should have an increase in demand related to COVID-19.
Given the evolving global circumstances, residents are encouraged to stay informed by regularly reviewing credible information sources. If you are concerned about symptoms or risk of COVID-19, connect with Durham Region Health at 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729, call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 and contact your family physician or local health care team.

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