2020 – Spirits raised with gospel music

A few years ago while motorcycle touring the USA, I was riding just north of Louisiana where I missed the opportunity of attending a Baptist Church service and to this day regret missing the event. Not for religious reasons, but because as I later learned the church is renowned for its Sunday gospel music where more than a 1000 parishioners belt out their souls in spiritual singing. So when the opportunity for attending a gospel singing event in Englewood, I was first opp. 

Anyone and everyone who can perform, sing, play an instrument, is invited to sign the performers’ roster. Calibre of experience or talent not a prequisite. Enthusiasm and spirit, definitely.

Sonny Brown, the band leader on this afternoon, is a born again musician whose philosophy is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Respect and dignity, words he lives by though he doesn’t  prosyletize what he lives.

Jacob belts it out with spirit and soul.






John hits it on his diatonic accordion.







There was so much more, more in the two hours that these performed. Songs, instrumentals all based on gospel material. Stuff sung by the greats of the past, Johnny Cash, Evelyn Beers, Johnny Nash and others.

They even had their own cheerleader waving a banner with “Jesus” written on it.

Sunday afternoons at the Indian Mound Park, gospel music, sung and played with spirit and soul. Go, you’ll enjoy it tremendously.

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