COVA – constructive steps in defense against it

The comments below were written by Dr. A. Bitton from the Ariadne Labs in Massachusetts.

Current situation
What I can clearly say is that what we do, or don’t do, over the next week will have a massive impact on the local and perhaps national trajectory of coronavirus. We are only about 11 days behind Italy and generally on track to repeat what is unfortunately happening there and throughout much of the rest of Europe very soon.

Social distancing crucial defensive process
At this point, containment through contact tracing and increased testing is only part of the necessary strategy. We must move to pandemic mitigation through widespread, uncomfortable, and comprehensive social distancing. That means shutting down schools, work (as much as possible), group gatherings, and public events, and choosing to stay away from each other as much as possible to Flatten The Curve below.


Overhwhelmed health care system
Our health system will not be able to cope with the projected numbers of people who will need acute care should we not begin to aggressively social distance ourselves from each other now. On a regular day, we have about 45,000 staffed ICU beds nationally, which can be ramped up in a crisis to about 95,000. Even moderate projections suggest that if current infectious trends hold, our capacity (locally and nationally) may be overwhelmed as early as mid-late April. Thus, the only strategies that can get us off this concerning trajectory are those that enable us to work together as a community to maintain public health by social isolation.

Social distancing helps
Lessons and experiences of countries worldwide have shown us that taking these actions early can have a dramatic impact on the magnitude of the outbreak. So, what does this enhanced form of social distancing mean on a daily basis, when schools are cancelled?

Some steps you can take to keep your family safe and do your part to avoid a worsening crisis:

  1. Push our local, state, and national leaders to close ALL schools and public spaces and cancel all events and public gatherings now.

A local, town by town response won’t be enough. We need a statewide, nationwide approach in these trying times. Contact your representative and your governor to urge them to enact statewide closures. Urge leaders to increase funds for emergency preparedness and make widening coronavirus testing capacity an immediate and top priority.

  1. No kid playdates, parties, sleepovers, or families/friends visiting each other’s houses and apartments.

This sounds extreme because it is. We need to create distance between family units and between individuals. It may be particularly uncomfortable for families with small children, kids with differential abilities or challenges, and for kids who simply love to play with their friends. Even one friend over means you are creating new links and possibilities for the type of transmission that all of our school/work/public event closures are trying to prevent.

The symptoms of coronavirus take four to five days to manifest themselves. Someone who comes over looking well can transmit the virus. Sharing food is particularly risky.

We need to act
We should not actively co-opt our defensive by having high levels of social interaction at people’s houses instead of at schools or workplaces. Again, the wisdom of early and aggressive social distancing is that it can flatten the curve giving our health system a chance to not be overwhelmed, and eventually may reduce the length and need for longer periods of extreme social distancing later. We need to all do our part during these times, even if it means some discomfort for a while.

Take care of yourself and your family, but maintain social distance
Exercise, take walks/runs outside, and stay connected through phone, video, and other social media. But when you go outside, do your best to maintain at least six feet between you and non-family members. If you have kids, try not to use public facilities like playground structures, as coronavirus can live on plastic and metal for up to nine days, and these structures aren’t getting regularly cleaned.

Go outside
Going outside will be important during these strange times, and the weather is improving. Go outside every day if you are able but stay physically away from people outside your family or roommates. If you have kids, try playing a family soccer game instead of having your kids play with other kids, since sports often mean direct physical contact with others.

And though we may wish to visit elders in our community in person, this may not be the time to visit nursing homes or other areas where large numbers of the elderly reside, as they are at highest risk for complications and mortality from coronavirus.

We need to find alternate ways to reduce social isolation
Reduce the frequency of going to stores, restaurants, and coffee shops for the time being.

Trips to the grocery store will be necessary, but try to limit them and go at times when they are less busy. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after your trip. Some stores have antiseptic wipes at the entrance area for your use.

Leave the medical masks and gloves for the medical professionals — we need them to care for those who are sick. Maintain distance from others while shopping — and remember that hoarding supplies negatively impacts others so buy what you need and leave some for everyone else.

Take-out meals and food are riskier than making food at home given the links between the people who prepare food, transport the food, and you. It is hard to know how much that risk is, but it is certainly higher than making it at home.

If you are sick, isolate yourself, stay home, and contact a medical professional
If you are sick, you should try to isolate yourself from the rest of your family within your residence as best as you can. If you have questions about whether you qualify or should get a coronavirus test, you can call your primary care team and/or consider calling state’s Department of Public Health. Don’t just walk into an ambulatory clinic — call first so that they can give you the best advice — which might be to go to a drive-through testing center or a virtual visit on video or phone. Of course, if it is an emergency call 911.

Social distancing is hard and may negatively impact many people, especially those who face vulnerabilities in our society. There is structural and social inequity built in and around social distancing recommendations. We can and must take steps to bolster our community response to people who face food insecurity, domestic violence, and housing challenges, along with the many other social disadvantages.

Not everyone can do everything but we have to try our absolute best as a community, starting today. Enhancing social distancing, even by one day, can make a large difference.

It really isn’t optional whether you take defensive health actions against this pandemic. You must act; each of us must. It is also our responsibility as a community to act while we still have a choice and while our actions can have the greatest impact. We need to fight this virus together, united and cooperatively. Though it will take time, effort, and energy, we are in this battle together but we will win.

We must act now and together.

Asaf Bitton, MD, MPH
executive director of
Ariadne Labs in Boston, MA.

Originally published by Ariadne Labs on March 13, 2020 | Updated March 14, 2020

Click the link to read Dr. Bitton’s text:   BITTON

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