I just received a ZOOM meeting invitation. What do I do now?

zoomSo you received an expected invitation to a ZOOM meeting. What do you do now?

There is a display below this text explaining the 4 essentials considerations with which you need deal when you receive the ZOOM invitation:

1.  Google Meet
Unless you specifically want to join the Google Meet meeting, ignore this section.

2.   “YES, MAYBE, NO”
It is proper etiquette to confirm your intention about attending the meeting. Click one of the responses found at the bottom of the invitation.

3.    Join the ZOOM meeting [ actually the last step ]
Before you click on the blue text line that begins, “https://……” be sure you have noted the password near the bottom of the invitation (See # 4)

4.   Password
Be sure to note the password. It is your ticket to entering the meeting.

The last thing you do is #3…it activates the meeting entry process. Follow the prompts and then wait until the host accepts you into the meeting.

ZOOM app installation automatic
1.  If you have never used ZOOM before and/or never installed it to your device, clicking to join the ZOOM meeting automatically initiates the ZOOM installation process to your device. Once installed, you will be taken to the meeting. It is an automatic installation and the only aspect of ZOOM that might bother some people is that the program is left installed on your device.

2.  If you have done a ZOOM meeting before, it means ZOOM was installed on your device and you will continue to this ZOOM meeting automatically.

The process is very easy and automatic, though at some points you may be asked to respond to the screen prompt to continue the process along.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.szpin.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ZOOM-invitation-INSTRUCTIONS-for-website.pdf” title=”ZOOM invitation INSTRUCTIONS for website”]

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