Every writer could use these in their toolbox

A writer should have a toolbox for that little bit of assistance that is needed from time to time.

Every writer hits ‘writer’s block’ sometimes. When that happens, help may come via some tools listed or explained here.

  1.  MasterWriter
    Whether you’re writing a song, a poem, a novel, a script, a blog, or whatever your written or verbal communication happens to be, MasterWriter will unlock all that the English language has to offer. The unique tools and reference dictionaries contained in MasterWriter will help you to express yourself in a unique and more meaningful way.

    MasterWriter is the epitome of word tools going beyond simply displaying synonyms, antonyms, definitions and rhyming words. It is a great tool for more than regular writers. A useful tool for poets and songwriters. However, be warned it is pricey with a monthly subscription fee. A very serious writer’s tool.

  2. Google Extension
    Every Internet explorer uses a browser, Chrome is the best and Chrome offers its users little applets, programs that perform specific tasks. Power Thesaurus is a very useful extension for a writer. Configure it to display synonyms, antonyms and/or definitions. Then, merely click on the extension, type in your word and voila, the results pop up at the top of the screen.

    Not a writer’s tool per se, but a program that will become one’s right/left arm in no time. NOTABILITY is an electronic notepad on periods. One can type, draw, one highlight. One can even record notes. Use a pencil or use a keyboard and save notes in categories you create. Read our full review at NOTABILITY.
    [ Unfortunately, NOTABILITY is available on Apple devices only. To appreciate the full power of this amazing note-making program, one needs an iPad Pro and the Apple pencil (vers. 2 is best). ] 
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