On self-publishing

Pell on Self-Publishing:

1) Find someone to help. In Kitchener, Ontario I used Volumes.

  • They will sell your physical book (no e-books) on their web site for a far-smaller commission than the big guys. They won’t discount the cover price without asking you first.
  • They offer print-on-demand. Per-book pricing is the same if you order one or 100.
  • You own your book and control all the rights to it.

2) Marketing and sales are up to you. This can be more work than actually writing your book. You need to hustle, and if you are shy about self-promotion, this may not be for you.

3) You are writing for the love of it. Self-publishing may not even cover fixed costs like hiring an editor or artist. It may never cover the cost of your time to write the book.

Finally, you control the agenda. You set the due dates, and you call the shots.

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