June 23 – Corona, colonoscopies and chaos

Chaos, colonoscopy and corona curves….not stuff we wanna talk about mid-summer…


Corona Curves and Other Stuff
    As usual on Monday ayem, after wolfing down some fresh fruit and a raisin biscuit (*see below), I was down front enjoying my first coffee and a couple of puffs in Norm The Truck to catch Zoomer Radio’s 5:30AM News. Jane Brown, as always, began with the COVID scores/stats from the day before. Now, I consider Jane the best newscaster around….at least in the mornings….heads and shoulders above the rest. Still, Rotzy could not believe the relative calm in her voice as she relayed that Father’s Day had yielded the HIGHEST number of new COVID-19 cases reported yet. Some people are calling it ‘devastating’, others were/are ‘expecting it’, and ”From Nakina” is not gonna debate those claims, but to be sure it did absolutely nothing to flatten the curve. By the bye, the ‘hot spots’ are not confined to one particular area/continent, they’re all over the globe. Hey….’nuff said about the ‘scores’, Rotzy has got other things going on in my pumpkin….like totally/completely emptying my body in peparation/readiness for ‘C-Day’, a ‘colonoscopy’ in Ancaster 24 hours from now! as it’s currently Monday the 22nd, 8:22AM EDST. I am now done touching anything/everything, including drinking, that resembles the Canada Food Chain poster. One exception is Canada Dry.  Three tiny….but very volatile…pills get things going around 4:00PM today, then I gotta drink a gallon (actually four litres) of a potent mixture, which really gets things rocking. Didn’t count my number of trips to the loo for last year’s ‘scope’, but I remember making fifteen when we were in a T. Bay motel in 2001. OK, OK, OK…more than enough said. Stay tuned.

*Thought Of The Day…Patience is a virtue. It’s not just one of MY virtues.

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