COMMENTS re the USA 2020 election

We are completely opposed to Trump in every legal and peaceful way possible but as we believe in  freedom of expression, we post views comments and opinions from both sides.

[We reserve the right to reject opinions which may be inflammatory, disrespectful to the community in general, racist, or offensive in language or obvious intent. ]

10/27/20   MUST view for Trump supporters and non-supporters….

10/27/20  Out of the mouths of babes, kids, that is…

The teacher said, “Let’s begin by reviewing some American history. Who said: ‘Give me Liberty, or give me Death’?”

She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Little Akio, a bright foreign exchange student from Japan, who had his hand up:

“Patrick Henry, 1775,” he said.

“Very good!
Who said: ‘Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth’?”

Again, no response except from Little Akio: “Abraham Lincoln, 1863.”

“Excellent!” said the teacher continuing. Let’s try one a bit more difficult. Who said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?”

Once again, Akio’s was the only hand in the air
and he said: “John F. Kennedy, 1961.”

The teacher snapped at the class, “Class, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Little Akio isn’t from this country and he knows more about our history than you do.”

She heard a loud whisper: “F__k the Japs”.

“Who said that? I want to know right now!” …she angrily demanded.

Little Akio put his hand up, “General MacArthur, 1945.”

At that point, a student in the back said, “I’m gonna puke.”

The teacher glared around and asks, “All right! Now, who said that?”

Again, Little Akio says, “George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.”

Now furious, another student yells, “Oh yeah?  Suck this!”

Little Akio jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, “Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1971.”

Now with almost mob hysteria, someone said, “You little shit! If you say anything else, I’ll kill you!”

Little Akio frantically yells at the top of his voice, “Michael Jackson to the children testifying against him, 2004.”

The teacher fainted.

As the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, “Oh shit, we’re screwed!”

Little Akio said quietly, “The American public if Donald Trump gets re-elected.”

More than 60 million voted for Trump in 2016. He not lose as many of those voters as Trump opponents hope and believe no matter what the polls suggest. Besides for all the accuracy polls demonstrate, they should be renamed POLES…think about it.


Trump needs some consideration?
We all know the chaos is in Democrat run cities. Just admit it. Minneapolis, Portland, New York, Atlanta, Seattle . . . All run by bleeding heart Liberals that are kissing Antifa and other radicals asses. Face it Republicans believe in law and order and that will put them over the top come November. Even Don Lemon of CNN the other day said “ the rioting has to stop it’s hurting the polling numbers LOL

Tells me where the Dems heads are at. By the way has anyone seen sleepy Joe Biden lately? I hear he popped his head out of his basement, saw his shadow and said yup two more months of rioting. Now you want to talk about Racism. If you ain’t voting for me then you ain’t black man or how about poor kids are just as smart as white kids or blacks aren’t as sophisticated as Latino’s in their thinking and on and on and on. 

P.S. Trump is polling 39% with black voters compared to 8% in 2016. It’s over folks.

POLITIFACT is a site that fact checks the news and people in the news. It analyzed Trump’s RNC nomination acceptance speech of Aug 27 and as expected found the speech was filled with many falsehoods, exaggerations and truth-bending. Some remarks seeming to be true, fail the validity test when the deeper context is examined.

All politicians play loose with truth
Trump is an incredible liar, more so than other politicians.

Trump’s scorecard for his speeches is displayed below:

Joe Biden’s falsehood score is less than half of Trump’s. Biden’s score is displayed below:


On policing tactics: US vs CANADA
If the Democrats really want to win they need to call in the National Guard in cities out of control. Throughout American history when riots occurred the Democrats were in control of the government and the people turned to the Republicans for law and order. Police administrators in America need to tear up their policy books and train their officers in restraint. Examples: the shooting in Atlanta of the guy that fought with police and grabbed the cops tazer. Let him run away. They already had identified him. They had his address, his vehicle, evidence of Impaired driving. Shooting him in the back while running away is not necessary. The threat is over once he flees. Get a warrant and pick him up in the morning once he’s sobered up. Canadian cops although not perfect are taught tolerance. I know. I taught firearms to recruits at Ontario Police College for three years. We drummed into their heads that taking a life was an absolute last resort. I don’t believe American cops are trained the same.


Hypocrisy seems boundless
Americans set on their hands praising an incompetent while 1000 people/day die and he blames China, Democrats, Media, Protesters, and anyone else he can think of for these problems while taking NO responsibility for HIS AMERICA.

MAGA implies only that the US is in a bad state – then FIX IT!

CHILDREN in cages at the border, GESTAPO tactics turning peaceful protests into riots, looting, etc., reminiscent of 1930s in Germany?

Problems do not get solved by attacking the symptoms.

The RNC Convention(?) was a disgusting display of HYPOCRISY by a group of FAT-CAT Republican ELITE echoing only what TRUMP has approved. They are all ignorant of the facts of this NON-Presidency and all the missed promises.

Most are also afraid of his demonstrated VENGENCE!

Also a total DISREGARD for CV-19 concerns and protection.

No health care for 10-20%, unemployment at 40 %, tax cuts for the Wealthy, National debt increased by at least $2 Trillion, Pandemic Preparedness Dept fired by Trump, CV-19 tests costing $200 on average where available, unemployed still waiting months for promised EI assistance, EPA gutted, stock market betting on a continuation of CV-19, etc., where does it end?


I am very worried about our election. I’m not sure democracy can survive if he gets elected again. There are so many levers he can use to claim the presidency even if he loses the popular vote (as he did last time). It’s going to be a very nerve-wracking remainder of the year.

Have you ever tried to figure out our electoral college system? I have. We don’t have one person one vote here in the U.S., which is how it should be in a democracy. And the electoral college could make this election extremely complicated and tense. Keep your fingers crossed for us.


I hear again and again that he might not vacate the office. However, it’s not as simple as that. There are many ‘legal’ ways that he can stay and I have been reading up on what happens in the case of a contested election. There are many paths. For instance, if one or more states cannot decide which slate of electors to send to the electoral college vote in December, it could be thrown to the House of Representatives. The Dems have a majority there, but wait! Each state would get only one vote. And although the total number of Representatives means a Democrat majority, there are more individual states that have a majority of Republicans. So, in that case, the Republican states would have the say. It could also go to the Senate, in which case the Senate President (VP Pence) could cast the deciding vote. Hmmm.. Shouldn’t he recuse himself? Or it could go to the Supreme Court. This will definitely be a history lesson.


Both our coming political choices of 03 Nov portend VERY different visions of the US future.   We all wish we had better choices.   

I do not favor the demented one that has been encouraging, looking the other way, ordering police to stand down as 100s of millions of dollars in destruction have been ravaging major cities in our nation these past 100 days.  Sadly Sorus’s billions for hired thugs has rained terror on many.

The other choice, my choice, surely does not act like our long held model of a politically correct politician.  Yet, I support him,  in the face of burning cities, disobeying police authority, and destroying  small family owned businesses that took decades to create, a leader with guts. I am grateful we have a qualified fighter who takes no salary, endured enormous stress, who has been publically abused from even the time before elected, and day after day comes out to fight  for action to correct the problems in our nation.

Surely we would wish for a sweet, kindly, ever-agreeable, give you all you wished white haired gentleman to lead the nation.  We all wish for someone who could be a nice neighbor or dinner guest.  However, we clearly know such a giant bag of money for the wished of all is not possible and we know also too well such a meek person would be vilified by the media, and ground up into dust by the mob rule currently raging in the major cities.   

These are very contentious times with opposing minds firmly closed to the views of the opposite side.  If we do not support a strong leader, devoid of a teleprompter, to bring this country under control we may surely have a civil war.  The daily media frenzy of a flood of videos of assaults, followed by killings could in time foment such a war.  Yes, if you must see the media from both sides this clear.  I invest at least one depressive hour/day to go through 2 left and 2 right media sites.    Having served for 30 years as a military officer, with near 13 deaths, I know who would win such a war in less than a year.  On the one side we have a mass of disillusioned, socialist indoctrinate college liberal youth + 95% of our media + uneducated/drug driven criminals who possess that side’s guns with short range shooting experience.  Currently, now on the “opposite corner,”  the other side are the nation’s presently abused/unappreciated police (500,000) + all branches of the US military (1,300,000) +  highly skilled game hunters with multiple rifles/scopes that can repeatedly hit a bulls eye at the other end of a football field (12,500,000)  +  and a horde taxpaying citizens, now so fearful of these out of control mobs, that they in recent months have been purchasing over $2 millions in firearms a month.  Note, just here in Pennsylvania, our good old boy game hunters each winter bring home over 500,000 deer with a permit tag.   In our 1st civil war (1860-1865) 620,000 soldiers were  killed.  The nation’s population then was 31 mil. Now it is 10 times more at 331 million.  Could it be that  proportionally 6,200,000 combatants might die in a coming 2nd civil war?   Due to the lethality of weapons and the massing of the left in urban areas I think the casualties may exceed 10 million with say 7million on the left and 3 million on the right.  Imagine for any urban area, just a few 100 lbs of explosive placed at key sites, there would have no water. Imagine that by blocking the roadways in/out of such encircled cites that in 3 more days there would be no food.   Our nation in 1850 had water wells, and gardens, Today, it is the city water works and Wal-Mart.   Here in PA (12.7 million pop.) we have 50% in our 2 major cities, Philadelphia (5.7 mil)  and Pittsburg (1.7 mil) and the other 50% in the 90% remaining area of the state  where I and those game hunters note above bring home those 500,000 dear in about 2 weeks.   As you can see we face quite a challenge in PA with 58% of the state’s population in welfare heavy urban areas wishing for every give away item imaginable.

In 1977, ultimately in support of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (now age 97), facing a  proposed 4 fold rise in the crude oil price, I was one of 4 officers sent by a 2 star general into Saudi Arabia as spies to prepare a plan for the takeover of that nation in 3 days via the landing of 100,000 soldiers with their military systems.  This, was in the time of President Gerald Ford (Republican).   The pubic never saw/heard of that plan. It is common for the military to be asked to create a myriad of “contingency” plans.  When the king was shown that plan by Kissinger the king wisely decided to not rise the oil price as done a few years earlier. At that earlier time we recall very long lines at gasoline filling stations, with the rule that only autos with odd or even numbered  license plates would be served.  Our nation’s economy was in chaos for near a year then.     

When I retired from the military I turned in my issued  firearms.  While in my 2 years in the Vietnam War, I was fired on many times by folks I have saw as a fired back in their direction.  Totally beyond the imagination of the other far left side in our country there are 100s like myself who have other skill experiences to donate should a war be required.  After years of working with nuclear explosions underground, and monitoring Soviet tests in the past I developed non-nuclear explosions, (no radiation) above ground (500 tons of TNT) to test NATO equipment. To reduce costs and to have more predictable, uniform  explosions I proposed investigating the use of fertilizer as employed in mining. I found that 6 lbs of fertilizer with a bit of motor oil added would equal 5 lbs of TNT.    Within  a year I created a fertilizer based explosive that when detonated in the desert of White Sands, NM broke windows for 90 miles (600 tons of fertilizer).  One such device easily crafted in a non-descript warehouse, in any US city could totally remove such a city from the Google Earth’s map in seconds.  Given this chapter in my past,  I was recently asked to estimate the amount of explosive that created instant massive destruction in Beirut, Lebanon a few weeks ago. The prime  minister told the media that explosion was comparable to Hiroshima.  My calculations, based on 5 types of destruction observations, suggest only 100 to 700 tons exploded, not the 3000 tons of fertilizer believed to a in a warehouse.  Note, that the (Fat Man) bomb detonated at 1680’ above Hiroshima was equivalent to 14,000 tons of TNT, thus perhaps 30 times more powerful than what happed in Beirut.  At age 22 I trained my platoon on that same implosion type bomb design 8 years later in Korea during my initial duty assignment in the Army.  I also had 4 other nuclear bombs, each smaller, one of which 4 of us would land by parachute to assemble the “gun type” components  and set the 0-60 min. primitive  “kitchen timer” on top and then plan to walk away while not falling down.    I may be elderly, but I could still be pretty useful should there be a war.  Instant reduction to rubble of just 2 of our 20 major urban national cesspools would most likely convince the left to settle down, before more cell phone calls were dialed and more cities vaporized.

Can we envision a kindly, no-waves,  40 year government bureaucrat leader, twice in the past hospitalized for aneurisms, and now clearly seen to be in the early stages of dementia to last a week, a month or even a year?   Imagine then his being replaced by his far left radical, vicious vice president that supports both no bail or the collecting of funds to bail out rioting thugs to return to destroying communities?  This poor geriatric relic is speechless without a legion of writers to project words on a teleprompter that with practice the can read almost as wished.    The left’s platform for the next 4 years,   “We hate the other fellow” is not a sufficient plan, or is its bundle of ill-conceived policies to define our nation’s future adequate.  Yes, that deranged far left mob that has taken control of a once sane Democratic Party, now led by its Botox queen just coming out of a hair salon, is ever ready.  She is prepared  to place on the table in just an hour proposed legislation concisely laid out in just 1000 -1300 yellowed page bundles that addresses every dream of the utopian, mindless far left. As she said during the previous administration, you need to read it at some time to fie out what is in it, but just vote now.  Hopefully, in 4 more years the left can screen another 24 hopefuls, actual proven leaders, and select someone that is ready to face the challenges of our nation and emerge not captured by its far, far left radicals.   Our democracy demands and deserves at least 2 strong political parties to best balance our nation’s resources with the most appropriate services to its people.   

T. S.

I don’t know you T. S. but I support you 100%. I follow the Right and the Left news sites. I have immersed myself in U.S. politics because I’ve lost touch with our corrupt Prime Minister (a man I’ve met on a few occasions) and our countries treatment of Indigenous People. We as Canadians have no right, zero right to throw stones at America for their treatment of Black men and women. Our country killed and continue to kill many many Indigenous people. We are hypocrites. Trump has done more to help Blacks in Four years than any prior President. That is why the polls are showing Black voters are more and more turning to Trump. His economic policies have made the U.S. strong. One only has to look at the stock market during a pandemic to realize this. It’s setting records AGAIN!

Our media in Canada are leftist. They like their American counterparts are Never-Trumper’s and it makes me sick. For anyone to say the media are not anti-Trump then they need to take their head out of their ass and wake up. Trump supporters aren’t out in the streets rioting. They’re having parades of boats and vehicles and waving flags. They’re not looting and burning and killing night after night. I wish Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act and put an end to this nonsense once and for all. The Democrats haven’t progressed since the days of supporting the KKK. America hopefully will wake up on November 3rd and oust the Democrats once and for all. The voters in Ontario decimated the Provincial Liberal Party. Hopefully the U.S. will do the same. Go Trump! Go Republicans and God Bless the U.S.A.


1.Democratic-led cities
To blame the leaders of the cities for the violence that erupts in them is false syllogism, false logic. One is not the causality of the other. The violence is the result of pent up emotion and response to the racist violence inflicted on blacks by police. If you have a problem with my saying that, with my seeing that on newscast after newscast, on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CBC…there’s too much smoke there to deny fires, then I should stop here because my words will be falling on deaf ears.

There are institutional/structural problems in our society, the USA and in Canada also but to a lesser extent because of our smaller population. Still, there are major problems in our society and to look to the Democrats as the cause is “narrow blinkered-vision.” Eight years of Obama did not have the level of violence your country has now. The violence has grown in the last FOUR YEARS…quite a coincidence. To blame Trump fully would be as errant as many or your Trump supporters are. However, as reported in so many media sources, Trump stokes the fire all too often.

I am not opposing what you want to say, just the accuracy or validity of your logic. Trump has been a major part of the problem and he has conditioned you people to stop thinking, to accept his statements holus-bolus without question. That kind of thinking with no pause to consider only adds more fuel to the fire. Ask yourself, what kind of president is needed? What are the characteristics of an effective and good president? Does Trump meet your criteria?

2.On another note: ‘freeloaders, welfare state’
What? Your governments, local, state, federal passed social assistance legislation and did so without violence and rage. Now you want to blame people who took fair advantage of the programs legally available to them. Again, what’s with the blame game? What’s with the blaming people who are stuck in poverty and denying them access to public programs. Once again, it seems too many of your citizens are into blame and culpability with disregard at the decades, no generations where you minority groups have been denied everything, abused to the extreme and hated beyond description. Oh, would you tell me I am wrong, I read history incorrectly, that this situation has not happened in our countries. 

Once a few years back while motorcycling through western Canada, at a historic Metis (Indigenous peoples) site, I made a casual remark about how lazy and unproductive Indians were. I was immediately caught up on the remark by my riding partner who pointed out the pit in which these people existed because of the racial narrowness as I had just expressed. I learned. I will not give in to that kind of thinking again. I am here to help my fellow man as much as I can. I don’t like the violence any more than any other citizen. I don’t like racism either. But possibly worst of all, I don’t like the mental intransigence as displayed by so many Trump supporters. I would be very pleased if my words could persuade them to at the very least, give some consideration to the opposing side. They do not have to agree with it, just give it some consideration as it may have some validity. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump is far worse than a broken clock. In my personal view and at the risk of sounding like I am proselytizing, he is the devil personified and destroying the great nation that America was. I doubt I will be around to say “I told you so” if he is re-elected. For certain, if I lived in the USA, the chances of me living long would be even less.


I fear that 99% of Canada  sees only news conveyed by the leftist media from the USA.

Sadly, sending examples from the media on the right is often received with rage by the left.   I would like to share many stories I see that never cross the border but it too often comes back as hate mail.

One key marker may be that all of our major cities are filled with people who wish all things free while they live off of welfare paid for by we who pay taxes. All of the BLUE cities are led by Democrat mayors.

I suspect that these masses of paid for violent persons burning these cities and killing citizens and even police will at some point set off a war. We all know who is prepared here to win such a war.  The simple cut off of water for any one of these cities would shut it down in days. The blockade of food and gasoline would seal them in.


The first thing is I hope you are convalescing well after the medical crisis. You are a needed man doing too much good in the world to slip away just yet. The good old Lord calls us all at some point, and we cannot control when the call is made. However, we can abide by doctors’ orders and do as well as we can to add a bit more time to our lives here. So, take it easy my friend, but don’t stop doing the good that you do.

On another note, regarding the Trump stuff
In that regard, I don’t know whether to call you an old coot, a stubborn old coot and a narrow minded Trump supporter. Many of us on the other side of the fence try to see your side but we struggle with a bigot, bully, liar, misogynist, racist, supremacist…the list goes on. In my case, every time I try to cut him some slack, he does something else that is so completely off the wall, I cannot believe this man is even human. If you believe the RNC was proper political campaigning with the whole family speaking at the podium, then you are unreachable and I should stop right there.

Otherwise, I continue a little more…
The nation was not as divided in the 8 years under Obama as it is under 4 years under Trump. Sure, it had problems, many and many similar ones…but not to the violent and polarizing extent that the USA has now. We Trump opposers keep trying to find ways to talk with you Trump supporters and just get you to pause and consider the possibility of what we are saying, the possibility that you are being sold down the road. We don’t ask you to accept our views, but merely give them fair consideration, serious consideration, full consideration. No more…because if Trump wins, we will be able to say “We told you so” from a cataclysmic and catastrophic world. 

Here in Canada, I almost can say we dont care, except that your so called leader is maniacal is his endeavours…so much so, that I believe if he wins he is so off the wall mentally, he will declare war on Canada for some issue. Or Mexico. Yeah sure, tell me he is not that crazy…great way to assess YOUR PRESIDENT. The man is maniacal and I pray we can sustain our borders against him if he wins another election.

You Trump supporters dont just have blinkers on, you have blindfolds on. Where there’s that much smoke, there must be some fire somewhere and you people dont even see the blaze….in fact, you think those are mere sparks.

I hope we both still have a world where we can talk and exchange ideas in the camaraderie which we have shared in the past…but we are not optimistic…Trump will convince you Canada is a national threat and you will believe the man.

Poor country…a country that we Canadians once respected and admired….and now fear.


I am concerned with the pictures these numbers paint and the current massive, unchecked violence in many cities that include  the total loss of many little business that took a lifetime to create.

I served 30 years in uniform to promote democracy with 15 of that overseas. Along the way I face 6 nears deaths.  My 7 children,  24 grands and 35 great-grands will hopefully inherit a nation as nice as I  have seen on my life.

I have been bless now with 27 years of volunteer engineer service opportunities for  rural villages in Africa, Asia & Europe

If you are not move by these facts simply delete. No need to send me a hateful message.  I am just 10 days past a heart attack and not too feisty at the moment.


Once more we board the ‘to the ramparts’ train rather than talk with one another, try to hear what the other side says, try to feel what the other side feels.
I would like to remove myself from the discussion but that would be a weak way to respond. I remain but I will not join in the emotionally laden verbal projectiles as launched against us anti-Trumpers. We have good reason to dislike this man, to refuse to support him and to oppose him with respect for the institutions and people of the USA. This man does not qualify for that kind of respect or support in any way….in his own words, filmed as well as reported in the objective journals, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, The New York Times…ok …so some of this news is tainted but balance it with views taken from both sides of the media, FOX and CNN. Balance it with views from CBC,  BBC, AP…when there is enough smoke, ask yourself about the veracity of what is being reported.
When I hear phrases like Trump should invoke the “Insurrection Act,” I want to withdraw from the discussion, but I won’t. I still believe there are enough good people in the US and Canada too, who will sit down and talk to try to find compromises, middle grounds where we can agree. But to sling verbal assaults, throw insults and literal offenses is hard to accept. 
To hear generalizations that blame the riots on ‘terrorists,’ ‘insurrectionists’ etc….is extreme. Again, all it does is polarize and divide us even more. To call out the military, to invoke the Insurrections Act, these are ways to conduct discussions, to seek solutions. Wow, I live in very sad times when people I want to work with, people I invite to the table to talk, to work together toward compromises and solutions, when I sit in this situation I want to walk away, to leave the table. But I cant. I will continue in hopes that at some point you will find it in your hearts and souls to see that we are not pulling together. Instead we are pushing apart. I will stay in the discussion with the hope that you will treat me with respect and dignity as a human being and in the way I treat you. I won’t pull out a gun, nor a flaming torch and use them against you. I respect you too much as a human being but am very afraid of you and I do not support the position for which you argue so heatedly and vehemently though I agree with your right to say it.
I have copied a number of people with this message, not to enflame matters even more, but to keep people informed that there is another side to what you people argue. There are people who love others, care about their safety and security. We also admit that there are evil, misguided and malevolent people who claim to be with us but who use violence to promote our views. The majority of us do not agree with them and feel it is small-mindedness for anyone to generalize and say they represent the many of us who stand for honour, respect, dignity and fair treatment of all people.
My final word. Todd I believe you are bang on. If the Right were to take to the streets and behave like the leftists are behaving in the streets of America the civil war would be over very quickly. Thank you for your military service. We Canadians, (and no lefty will ever admit this) rely tremendously on America to keep us safe from our enemies. You see America’s enemies are Canada’s enemies. Most of Canada are just too naive to see it. I would rather have a crude, rude, don’t care how he/she says it President than what Canada has as a leader. The Democrats have tried to take down Trump for 4+ years and have failed. Their methods disgust me and are nothing short of illegal. All you lefties that don’t like Trump have the Dems to thank for his growing popularity. Richard, do you hear your own words. Sit down at the table together? Are you kidding? Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler have made it their life for the past few years to destroy Trump. My prediction: Trump will win in a landslide. The Republicans will take back the House and keep the Senate. Trump will get four more years. The left will take to the streets again and Trump with an iron fist will crush the revolt. Thank you to the left. You have nothing or no one to blame but yourselves. Trump accomplished lots as President but because he said crude things on a bus about women and he talks like a New York construction worker and insults people they hate him. I’ve seen a man that has grown into the job these past four years. Now speaking as a former cop and not a soldier, I want law and order on our streets, in our cities. The reaction of these thugs (not protestors) is ridiculous. 92% of black deaths in America are caused by blacks. Police reform is needed. Training sucks and always has in the Police universe. I know first hand. Defund the police? What kind of sick notion is that. Put more money into more police training not defund so there’s less training. How stupid can people be. Close the prisons? There will always be bad people. Nothing will ever change that. Put more money into poor neighborhoods! Oh wait Tim Scott (black republican) with Trump and others (Van Jones from CNN) started Opportunity Zones! That’s what I call sitting down together with all sides right Richard? That’s what you meant? How about the First Step Act? Congress and Trump worked on that together. It is prison reform at it’s best. How about funding levels for HBCU’s (historic Black colleges and universities) That was Trump that upped funding to historic levels. My favourite tho: There hasn’t been a war involving the U.S. on foreign soil since Trump took office. Much to the chagrin of the lefties that said Trump would mire the U.S. in war. Russia, Iran, North Korea et al don’t want to engage with Trump. Why? Because they know that he’s a rude, crude, bombastic man that’s meaner than a junkyard dog if he had to be. Canadian’s will sleep well at night knowing he’s in charge. I know I do. Biden? If he got elected he won’t see the second year of his term. He will soon be diagnosed with full blown dimentia. I know because I’ve seen it in my family. He has classic signs. I don’t want a guy getting up in the middle of the night, going to the fridge for a glass of milk and saying hey what’s this little gadget? Hey this looks like some sort of code. Hey let’s enter it and see what happens. LOL that’s an exaggeration of course but you get the picture. The only thing worse than that scenario is this one: That the Democrats would pick this senile old man to try to win power. They should just thank him for his almost 50 years of service, give him his watch and send him off to enjoy his last few years on this earth. Really? He’s the best they’ve got? 
Peace and love everyone. My final word.
Once more we board the ‘to the ramparts’ train rather than talk with one another, try to hear what the other side says, try to feel what the other side feels.
I would like to remove myself from the discussion but that would be a weak way to respond. I remain but I will not join in the emotionally laden verbal projectiles as launched against us anti-Trumpers. We have good reason to dislike this man, to refuse to support him and to oppose him with respect for the institutions and people of the USA. This man does not qualify for that kind of respect or support in any way….in his own words, filmed as well as reported in the objective journals, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, The New York Times…ok …so some of this news is tainted but balance it with views taken from both sides of the media, FOX and CNN. Balance it with views from CBC,  BBC, AP…when there is enough smoke, ask yourself about the veracity of what is being reported.
When I hear phrases like Trump should invoke the “Insurrection Act,” I want to withdraw from the discussion, but I won’t. I still believe there are enough good people in the US and Canada too, who will sit down and talk to try to find compromises, middle grounds where we can agree. But to sling verbal assaults, throw insults and literal offenses is hard to accept. 
To hear generalizations that blame the riots on ‘terrorists,’ ‘insurrectionists’ etc….is extreme. Again, all it does is polarize and divide us even more. To call out the military, to invoke the Insurrections Act, these are ways to conduct discussions, to seek solutions. Wow, I live in very sad times when people I want to work with, people I invite to the table to talk, to work together toward compromises and solutions, when I sit in this situation I want to walk away, to leave the table. But I cant. I will continue in hopes that at some point you will find it in your hearts and souls to see that we are not pulling together. Instead we are pushing apart. I will stay in the discussion with the hope that you will treat me with respect and dignity as a human being and in the way I treat you. I won’t pull out a gun, nor a flaming torch and use them against you. I respect you too much as a human being but am very afraid of you and I do not support the position for which you argue so heatedly and vehemently though I agree with your right to say it.
Wow, you have some rather rabid friends. I wonder if they realize that it’s the people on the right who have the guns. Of course, as you noted, there will always be fringe elements who are perhaps not even politically motivated, but just criminals who want to loot and burn. The vast majority of BLM protesters are peaceful. Biden and Harris have both condemned violence and illegal acts. The Trump campaign and supporters have their own narrative, not based at all in fact. They are trying to convince people that the looters and arsonists are all left-wing and that the Democrats will do nothing about them. For anyone who doesn’t feel safe in today’s America, I ask them to take a look at who the government is. Trump can’t have it both ways. He can’t say he’s doing a great job and then point to all the violence (which is in just a very small area of a couple of cities). I am disgusted by the blatant lies and incendiary language on the right. Sure, there are some extreme leftists, but Harris and Biden are not supporting them. Trump mocks everyone who doesn’t agree with him. He’s the schoolyard bully. I do fear what will happen here in Nov and December. We need to have a landslide win for Biden. Anything less will surely be challenged. And even a landslide might be challenged. Very disturbing.

I am on T. S.‘s list of sharers – ergo this email.  I am a fellow Canadian living in Mexico and have worked/am working with Todd on a local project here.  Thank you for your perspective and commentary on the US situation that appears to be becoming a hotter flash point by the day.  I share your position and support your requests for realistically looking at the consequence of Trump’s four years and your proposed solutions.  Also, Canada is far from perfect but I do love my country with all its failings – and good stuff.  I am now starting to fear that if this email string microcosm reflects the positions of a majority of Trump supporters, we are in for a raucous/potentially threatening next six months.

I am glad for Trump…it is easy to denigrate his nomination in some way…I’d rather say…bravo USA for getting out wars rather than becoming involved in more of them. Though a world policeman is needed, it really should be a shared responsibility, not one shouldered so much by the USA.
My compliments to Trumper for the nomination. FULL STOP.

You really are a never-Trumper but with all due respect you should practice what you preach. If people are to sit down and talk you said there has to be give and take. Who wouldn’t be happy when someone is nominated or wins the Nobel Peace Prize? I myself am quite pleased that America isn’t at war. If they were our Canadian soldiers would be at war. 

Trump has admirable qualities
I hate to stereotype but Trump speaks like a New York construction worker. I don’t like everything that comes out of his mouth and he should get the hell off Twitter. I got off all social media when I got into politics. Just asking for trouble. Why I admire him is that he didn’t need the job. He’s a billionaire and was one of the most well-known personalities in America. He didn’t need the fame or the abuse. I firmly believe he loves his country so much that he wanted to help move it forward. My humble but honest opinion.

The presidential debate….a civics lesson but not a lesson in civility.

Current CV-19 statistics from the US show:
7,700,000 cases with 214,000 related deaths representing a


Those who choose to spread the AIDS virus INTENTIONALLY are treated as CRIMINALS and are charged and incarcerated.

The current President is intentionally spreading the CV-19 virus as well as encouraging his “brain dead” followers to ignore protection guidelines. Masks, social distancing, 14 day quarantines, do not apply to these people?
Treating the onset of the CV-19 virus as a HOAX, interfering with CDC reporting, recommending untested treatments (disinfectants, etc), and ignoring scientific inputs, all should point to his CRIMINAL responsibilities related to MAGA as the World leader in the progress of this Virus.


We are ALL in DANGER because of this RECKLESS behaviour!

Stupidity is normally harmless but this is MURDER!

We all may respect the office of the President of the US with all the associated implications but the person in this position must behave in a manner to gain and maintain respect.

“What the HELL were you thinking when you elected this INCOMPETENT”.
A paraphrase regarding a citizen and Congress member from a recent rally.

Sounds about right….you think? Watched some CNN yesterday aft (not by choice as Jo Ann already had it on) and the crew are so totally and completely occupied/wired about screwing Trump, their whole ‘mission’ has gone WAY past their normal ‘panic/shit yourself mode’, I now fear they’ve gone right off the radar!! And if Trump wins again, I expect Wolfman Blitzer, as well as Mr Smug himself, John ‘Big Head’ King’ (a former Canadian), the gay black reporter, the gay white reporter (Anderson Cooper) and the two women with the plastic hair and faces, the ever present Doctor as well as the blonde Lawyer will all join hands and leap off the CNN roof. If not they’ll all appear on a 2-episode Dr. Phil for ‘special counselling’.



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