Pickering Public Library responds to questions and problems

library logoJessica Trinier, Pickering Public Library Community Book Club liaison staff executive responds to questions and problems posed by library patrons.

COVID impact
As of September, the Pickering Public Library will be hosting Community Book Clubs virtually. This is just one of the Pickering Library’s responses to the suggestions and ideas patrons have made. We invite more patrons to give us their input, comments and suggestions.

Each month near the time of scheduled respective book club meetings, book club moderators of the community (PPL) book clubs will receive a ZOOM link (accessibility information) permitting members of that club to participate in a ZOOM meeting with their members only. Respecting confidentiality and privacy, moderators will have access to the link information each month for a limited duration.

Book club loan sets and ebooks sets
Unfortunately, access to book club sets and ebook sets is limited as regulated by Ontario or limited by individual library budget restrictions. Access to digital book club sets or ebook sets is regulated and beyond the accessibility of each library. However, our collections staff member is investigating book club sets in eBook formats with hopes of expanding the availability of our loan titles.

Hoopla seems to be the best service currently available to library patrons wanting to borrow ebooks. The ebook borrowing services available to library patrons with appropriate digital devices are HOOPLA, CLOUDLIBRARY, OVERDRIVE and LIBBY. Borrowers interested in more information about the ebook services at the PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY should confer with this site: PPL Ebooks

Hoopla is a very good service for digital borrowing with more than 4000 titles currently in its catalogue. Click on HOOPLA  Hoopla’s greatest value is that multiple borrowers can borrow the same book which makes it an ideal service for Book Clubs. Unfortunately, at this time Hoopla does not deal with user title suggestions.

Book return responsibility
Book club members’ returning books to the moderator who has borrowed the book club set seem to be a recurring issue for some clubs. Jessica writes, “This is something that comes up in community-run book clubs and can be solved a number of ways. As you are part of a community book club, you can set rules that would govern how you approach this subject. Pickering Public Library has also moved to a no fee model for the remainder of the year as we understand the difficulties of returning materials in a timely manner with COVID. This may ease some stress of getting individual copies of books back from each member when not meeting physically.”

Library assistance with technology
The library currently offers patrons assistance to learn technology. Previously, clients needed to visit the library’s Maker Space  facility where live assistance is available. In addition to that convenient service, the library now offers online assistance through ZOOM meetings. Book club members looking for assistance with technology should contact: Get help where they can book an appointment with the library support staff. Jessica points out that personal assistance has proven to work best as there are so many variations in the devices used by patrons.

For more help or to get more information contact the library at PICKERING LIBARY

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