The worst of times, the best of times. These are monumental days in our history and it is a challenge to summarize our current situation.

We offer you food for thought.

Destroy, decay, deflect, disrupt, diminish, deceive

These are historic times. The old order is threatened.

Comfort, console, calm

Find your path or your oasis for comfort and calm in this stressful
world. Consider these:

Journaling to record your condition, your feelings as a way to relief and

Exercise to vent your stress and anxiety using a physical outlet;

Write a memoir, a record of what was happening in your life; a reminder of how you were doing in stressful times;

Read to relax, to calm your anxieties, to find solutions to ease the stress.

New world, be brave
In these stressful times find ways to destress, to reduce anxieties, and restore some more comfort in your own world.

Do what works for you…

Passive considerations
Sit back and watch the world unfold. Relief and stress reduction may not happen, but you are not making things worse.

Active considerations
Find the things that work for you, that help you diminish stress, reduce anxiety, and make you feel calmer and less worried. Ask others what works for them.

Find your solutions
Choose the path that gives you the comfort you seek. However, take stock.
Be self-aware and recognize the stress you may be experiencing.

Need more help?
If you feel it is a worrisome matter, help is available: possibly in your community, possibly in your professional network, possibly with your family doctor.

These are extremely stressful times and you may not be aware of your own need for some support and assistance. Take a look in the mirror. Do you see a person who could use some help? Try to be objective in evaluating yourself, your situation.

Help is available if you think you would benefit from it.

Our affiliated authors offer their thoughts and comments . . .

Click on the book cover to access the author’s comment:


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Our newest associated author

Welcome to our newest associated author, children’s books writer…

Peta-Gaye Nashe

An award-winning Canadian author of children’s books and adult fiction, “I too Hear the Drums.” Peta-Gaye is a veritable multitasking dynamo: a teacher, English as a Second Language to newcomers to Canada; married, a mother; a website publisher, Currently she is writing her seventh children’s book, available soon along with her other books on Amazon.

Subject to registration numbers, lessons are scheduled as:

A word of thanks to all our site visitors. We appreciate your support and your patience with our endeavours.

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Stay healthy, stay distanced and wear a mask.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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