Santa wants a Beemer RT

My motorcycle is tucked away, all put to bed 
While thoughts of touring run through my head
It started out good 2020 it did
But it crashed and burned and is better off dead

I had some good rides with a few of my friends
Others I missed and will make some amends
The club it didn’t have many meetings
But we had some nice picnics after some tweaking

This COVID thing it’s got me quite flustered
But a vaccine is here to see it gets busted
I want to ride my RT so bad
But I’ll wait for a while to become a nomad

On RT, GS’s, K bikes and more
I have so many places I want to explore
I’m sure that next year will be a lot better
To head out and explore without any fetter

I miss you all, all your fine beamer folks
Next year we’ll get together to tell a few jokes
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
As we all head to bed and dream of new bikes

Garth Twitchell 


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