COVID cloistered?

Escape the solitude, boredom and anxiety of the cabin fever which COVID quarantine isolation may have inflicted on you.

If you have been abiding by the pleas for you to protect yourself and others by staying home in COVID isolation, then you are likely beginning to go stir crazy with cabin fever.

You can escape the anxiety and stress brought about by isolation by joining a book club. You won’t be meeting members in person. Instead, you meet them via the virtual reality of ZOOM. It isn’t the best way to socialize but in those pandemic times, it is the safer way.

GALS Book Club
GALS Book Club meets monthly to discuss, evaluate and tout books. Club members express what they like, dislike about books they have read, exposing other members to good reads, books that have entertainment and/or informational value.

If you like to talk about books you have read and enjoy explaining your opinions about what you have read to other people, consider joining GALS Book Club where you will be welcomed as a reader with book views that can benefit others.

For more information, contact:

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