Welcome message from Sheila


Welcome to all WAG members interested in participating in the Critiquing sessions. We are confident all participants will benefit greatly from these discussions that are opportunities of examining and analyzing writing submissions by WAG writers.

Critiquing Coordinator is a termed office with the coordinator to find a replacement after the term of one year (tentative for now).

Critiquing  has a separate listing on the WAG menu at BOOKz, COOKz, NOOKz  for centralization of information

Sheila, Critiquing moderator, is responsible for the management of the activity relating to Critiquing. The procedure participants to be followed is to email a writing sample for critiquing in MS Word format to the others in a group email copying all the critique participating members a few days before the day of online discussion.

Sheila will moderate the discussion ensuring rules are adhered to and that participants understand the colour-coded marking scheme.

ZOOM will be the medium used for the discussion group. Meeting durations will be flexible and dependent on the sample lengths and number of submissions.

Richard will receive and post notification updates.

Critiquing schedule: 1st Thurs of each month, for approximately one hour, in the afternoon – time to be determined (between 2 and 5 pm).

Summer months’ activity will be discussed with WAG members in general.

Sheila will provide a set of rules for the critiquing group, based on her experience with her current, ongoing group. The rules are a successful result of trial and error, and they work!  The rules will be central posted by Richard for everyone’s information. Participants are invited to email questions/suggestions to Sheila if they wish. Based on her experience with her discussion group, this kind of group interaction is very beneficial to participants.

Sheila will provide a sample of mark-ups, colour-coded for easy spotting of suggested word additions, deletions, questions (such as “on p2, the town was called Shipton, but now it’s called Thorpe”) and approval (“love this”).

The submissions must be in Microsoft Word so that everyone can mark up. No PDFs.

As provided by Sheila Tucker.

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