Personal Advocacy: One of my “Ah Ha” Moments

Some of you know that I have been fighting a 22 month long battle with a rare blood cancer and have received a bone marrow transplant in July, 2020. It will take two years to know whether it has all worked and I am day-to-day, being taken care of by the most proficient, clinically competent, and empathetic teams, including my local Primary Care team, my Lakeridge/DRCC team and my Princess Margaret Hospital BMT team where I have become a “research project”.

The purpose in telling you this comes from a good friend (Harry) who tells me that I need to be more demanding now and although I always use the line, unfiltered with positive disruption, I am adding the action of NOW to my advocacy.

The “Ah Ha” moment came from a new blog called the Waiting Room Revolution hosted by two incredible palliative care physicians. Check out Season One and in particular, the second episode on “Walking the Two Roads”…for me, my roads are “Hope for the Best but Plan for the Worst. I remain an optimist!

Season One caused me to re-think my advocacy and reinforced why I do this and I am hoping that for all of you, as you will all be patients and caregivers in time, should reflect on your personal family now. Thank you to Dr. Sara Newbery (a member of the Primary Care 2025 Thought Leaders) for sending this my way. In particular, listen to Dr. Sandy Buchman, a palliative care doctor, who talks about caring for palliative care patients.


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