Jeff BEZOS won’t be meeting Eva HENN sometime soon

Senior woman author, Eva Henn, published her memoir independently rather than using the publishing services of giant AMAZON.

Jeff Bezos won’t be meeting Eva Henn.

Eva Henn, a senior woman writer, has published a heart-touching memoir about her family’s escape from Hungary during the Communist revolution of 1956. It is an emotionally moving recollection of days of terror and weeks of trepidation, followed by months of adjusting to the challenges of a new life.

Henn published the book, “Towards the Light,” independently eschewing the advantages and benefits of publishing giant, Amazon. Her goal in writing the book was to preserve family history and leave that as a legacy for her children. She never envisioned that people would be drawn to the book and her story. The popularity of the book grew accompanied by growing demand. Perhaps some of the popularity stemmed from her charitable dedication. Henn redirects book revenues to her philanthropic work of assisting school children in the Dominican Republic. Book sales are redirected to assisting a Dominican Republic elementary school. But that’s another story.
When Henn was ready to publish her book, her publisher search concluded that Amazon’s Kindle, though a very attractive venue, was not to her liking. Why profit the giant corporation which did nothing for her benevolent goal? Instead, Henn chose to publish her book on her own. Increasing demands for copies of her book have persuaded Henn to reconsider her original reading audience. Thus, she has decided to print a second run of her book to meet the demand that it been quite surprising. However, she is still committed to redirecting book income to her goal of assisting the poor students of the Dominican Republic.

A copy of “Towards the Light,” can be purchased for $21.99 which includes delivery by Canada Post.

To purchase a copy send your land address and payment by e-transfer to email Henn at

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