Special invitation to WAG members

Hello WAG member,

At the risk of sounding like an old nag, I again invite you to try NOTEZILLA digital sticky notes for your computer work. [Disclaimer: I have no financial links with the program’s developer, receive no remuneration.] I am simply promoting this application because I believe it is that useful for work on the computer and that it is especially useful to writers like you. Read my full review on my website at Notezilla .

In more than two years of using the program, I have found it to be one of the handiest and most useful of all the applications I use on my computer. BTW, it works on other operating systems besides Windows. Once you use it for a few weeks I am very confident you will agree with me on it being practical, useful and valuable. It will replace any short note application you are now using, I say with confidence.

Please consider giving it a try. I asked for the extended trial period so that the designated WAG members who receive this note can try the full program for an extended period of time, one year, for free.

Again, here is the process for downloading and installing NOTEZILLA (and this will be the only cumbersome aspect of working with this program:


  1. Go to the site below and DOWNLOAD and INSTALL NOTEZILLA from there: conceptworld.com/Notezilla/Download

  2. Right click on Notezilla icon (next to the clock) in the Windows taskbar.

  3. Choose Help->Register menu item. The ‘Register’ window will appear.

  4. In the ‘Register’ window click on the ‘Enter activation key’ button.

  5. Now copy the whole activation key and paste it here in the window that appears
    The activation key: contact Richard for the activation key  [ Please do not share the activation key with others ]

You will now have the use of the full program with all its bells and whistles for one year at no cost to you. Visit the Tech Corner of my site for simplified instructions for using NOTEZILLA.

I will gladly help you if you need assistance and remember you have one year’s use of the full program.

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