Tip #14 – Are book awards worthwhile?

Are book awards worthwhile? My only experience with book awards has been with CANADA BOOK AWARDS.

CANADA BOOK AWARDS seems to award books easily. I have submitted books on behalf of two authors and one was accepted within a few days, the submission for the other has been acknowledged and I wait for further word.

My conclusion is twofold: 1. I think the award may be good for the ego. The writer is getting recognition for their work. There is no money gifted but the public recognition and permission to use the CANADA BOOK AWARDS recognition on your book cover may feel good.     2. Does it have impact on sales? I don’t know as I have no data for this. I would guess that if a potential reader sees your cover with the award symbol, it may have some persuasive impact on the sale. Does it really? I don’t know.

As per the linked article below, many book contests require a submission/entrance fee and only the winner receives anything in return. The site’s publishers likely do the publishing so their site gets exposure via the promos of your book.

There is a more detailed article on book contests and awards at the following link:




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