EDITORIAL: An optimistic mental outlook is becoming increasing difficult with age

Old age seems to be bringing on the erosion of hope, optimism and a positive outlook.

First, the easy part, listing all the things that can depress a person as they get older.

  • Global warming and its deniers: are you serious. Do the Columbia Icefields Skywalk in Banff and examine the markers indicating how the glaciers are receding and the rate at which they are melting.
  • Canada’s north warming incredibly and its deniers: Do the Polar Bear expedition in Churchill, Manitoba. Be awed and then become awed by the fact that there are fewer and fewer polar bears each year due to melting ice floes which bears rely on for food gathering
  • The number of Forest fires in Canada is on an alarming upward trend since 1970

    Forest fire incidents in Canada 1970 – 2010

  • COVID-19 and its variants: what more can one say here?
  • Anti-vaxxers: there may be legitimate reasons to not be vaccinated. But this will become a non-debatable issue eventually.
  • Some insurance companies are removing “Flood damage coverage” from home policies, after all, shareholder profits are at increasing risk each year.

Let’s consider the political situation:

  • Green Party: leader’s position in jeopardy at hands of party membership no less, just months after installation.
  • Conservatives criticize the Liberal government for the unethical use of taxpayer funds. Erin O’Toole’s right-hand assistance has a personal company exploiting taxpayer money.
  • Trudeau travelling the nation doling out campaign-style policy changes and promises…meanwhile…hemming and hawing about calling an election
    – deflecting on residential school crimes
    – deflecting on climate change or promising action on it by 2030
    sexual harassment in Canada’s military….shhhh
    – sexual harassment in the RCMP…..shhhh
    – Cold cases relating murdered/missing Indigenous women….shhhh
    – Inadequate vetting of Gov. Gen. candidates…Payette, Simon….shhhh
    – Boil water restrictions remain in Indigenous communities after 25 years…..shhhh
    – Holidaying to private islands owned by government lobbyists…..shhhh
    – Family members cashing in on  WE financial gift giving….shhhh
    – Wearing black face but denying ever being racist in actions….shhhh
    – Sunnier days entry….but unequal treatment of women in parliament…..shhhh
    – Langevin coverup…..says who….what does Jody Raybould Wilson know….shhhh
    – Funding of oil pipeline extension when fossil fuels are cause of global warming….shhhh
    – Continuous bailouts of private companies with no ethical justification…AIR CANADA, BOMBARDIER (repeatedly)….shhhh
    – lip service to social equality in Canada while Quebec legislates against race, culture and religious freedom, Bill 21….shhhh
  • NEWS MEDIA: which news source do you trust?
    – news sources offer one version of a story today….the next day, a new version contradicting the first one….COVID stories, political leaders, corrupt governments
    – talking heads – numerous ‘experts’ explain a news story only to be contradicted by another talking head the next day
  • Society cares about individual rather than the community:
    – Islamophobia – London, Hamilton, Ottawa….does it ever stop?
    – Anti-Semitism: even federal gov. is not free of guilt – establishes an Anti-semitism committee to examine the rise of antisemitism activity in Canada…and does not invited Green Party leader, Anamie Paul, black, female, and Jewish…explain that one
    – Truth and Reconciliation committee policy suggestions…4 of nearly 100 implemented…there’s likely an easy answer to this one…really?

  • Government policies
    – Vaccine passports – public safety and security ignored with ‘threat to personal liberies and privacy’ – community well-being trumped by individual defiance
    – Cross border travel – Americans, OK; Canadians, not so much
    – Doug Ford abuses MZO policies by permitting greatest party contributors priority ownership of prime lands along the proposed Highway 404 corridor

    Why does this list seem to be never ending? Have some fun see if you can add just 3 more items to the list. We would love to hear them.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to remain optimistic and hopeful in a world that seems to be head to self-destruction at a jet propulsion pace.

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