EDITORIAL: It might be my age…aged, cynical, critical and worried

It might be my age…but I am very troubled. We wrote an open letter to Trudeau asking him just to respond to our worries. He never replied. Does it mean we are ‘nobodies?’ Does it mean we are too common to deserve a response? Does it mean we are citizens who can be overlooked, disregarded and ignored? These are very troubling questions and put our consideration of a Liberal government in serious jeopardy.

First, I’m a senior, closer to the end than the beginning. That makes me feel I have the license to voice my opinion openly as it does have years of experience behind it. The extreme protesters at campaign rallies lack that foundation but their views may be as acceptable, as credible as mine based on what they have experienced too. Maybe lacking the experience foundation mine has, but still as authentic and real as mine is.

But a boar is a boar is a boar. Respect the office, if not the person. 

My parents taught me a lasting lesson: respect. Be respectful of authority. Be respectful of where you are. Be respectful of people. As a comment on the extreme protests, Trudeau said, “That’s not who we are….” Oh yes it is! Our society knows no bounds. Our society abides by no limits. Our society questions every directive. Our society respects ??? Respects what? That last phrase is very troubling as the first inclination is to say “Our society respects nothing.” That’s an extreme conclusion relative to the campaign protesters, though it may have some merit in it and some logic behind it.

Perhaps time brings a wagon-load of cynicism with the passing years. I no longer believe politicians’ promises as having any possibility of authenticity, validity or veracity. I believe every one of them will say anything, promise anything that ‘closes the deal’ at the moment. I hold the office of ‘politician’ in contempt. They are liars beyond those of the past. They are opportunists taking advantage of every photo op to enhance their chance of a campaign victory. And like used car salesmen [with apologies to that group], each campaigner promises more, a better price, more with every speaking engagement.

The younger generation of today is more openly critical and more justifiably so. “Critical” may not be the most suitable label to use here. More ‘skeptical,’ more ‘questioning.’  “Show me the money,” might be the more frequent retort of the younger generation to any political promise. Importantly, they may be younger but they are intelligent and pragmatic analysts. They want evidence the promise has realistic possibilities. They accept no promise prima facie. I can totally agree with the position of the younger voters. They evaluate more, consider the feasibility of the promise, weigh the likelihood of the policy’s implementation. I like that. Add my name to the “skeptical youths’ list.”

I am very worried: what kind of people are our politicians; how questionable our governments have become; are our political leaders authentic anymore; is our society static, unchanging in regard to self-improvement; are our governments consistent in trying to improve our lives; are we just spinning our social wheels? 

Very worrisome questions that place every politician, every government policy, every piece of legislation behind jaded lenses, with a skeptical mindset but likely a realistic one.

Election consideration and history-making
Making a choice in this election is becoming increasingly difficult. The decision made in the previous election no longer is as acceptable as it was then. The final decision is becoming increasingly more challenging with each passing day in the campaign. The mood of those protestors may have been extreme and wrong, but their opinion, their skepticism, their dissatisfaction may be on the mark.

The governing party has much for which it should be questioned, criticized and held accountable. However, the other parties cannot be taken at face value either. What they promise may be pipedreams for which our younger votes will pay. And pay. And pay.

This election may be a watershed moment in Canadian history.




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