Attention writers…are your promoting yourself?

Are you neglecting promotion responsibilities? Are you neglecting marketing your work? Are you failing to showcase yourself as you deserve?

There aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the work that creative people like you do? Do you have the time to do the marketing you should be doing to promote your books? Do you have the time to do that work? Doesn’t that kind of work detract you from focusing on what you should be working on, your creative output? There are some options for you to consider.

Hired help
You can’t do it all yourself, so consider hiring assistance. Negotiate what you want done at a cost that is reasonable and suits your budget. The important thing is that someone will be devoted to promoting your work, showcasing and marketing your books. Explore the hiring consideration, who and what they can do for you. Then give them the time to work on your behalf and it takes time. They can find the best venues to consider, the best opportunities of which to take advantage while you concentrate on what you do best…write!

Other venues serve double duty
Ernest H. wrote elsewhere besides his typewriter in his living room. He wrote for newspapers and this meant he polished his skills but also showcased himself to many more people. Consider doing something similar. Write for newsletters, community papers, hobby magazines, blogs, even bulletins like institutions, real estate pieces, community organizations.  Log your contacts and build a personal database of media contacts for future use. But remember, doing this may lead to polishing and refining your writing skills but it will take away energy, time and dedication from your main work.

Use social media
Get yourself on to social media. Connect with social media networks. Establish a profile, a presence on social media where you write short pieces to ‘tickle the fancy’ of social media buffs, engage social media participants with timely pieces or simply entertain readers with interesting tidbits. Again, polishing and refining….but detracting of your own energy and time.

Look for opportunities
Watch for and explore opportunities where you may be able to engage yourself in a manner that draws attention to yourself as a writer. Join groups where you can contribute but be seen, where you can benefit by participating in the group. Again, this takes time and energy…but that is what you must consider. 

If you want to sell, promote, market your books, you need to spend money, energy and time or all of those factors and devote some time to self-promotion and self-marketing. Your books will not promote themselves and no matter how well written, how unique, how engaging, unless people hear about them, the books sit in boxes in your closet.

Here’s an opportunity for you:


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