EDITORIAL: Third-world politics in Ontario

It’s easy to criticize every government, every political leader from the comfort of the TV room ‘lazy boy.’ Doug Ford could give university-calibre lectures on bribing for votes. Third-world politicos should line up for lessons from this boy.

This kind of ‘gifting’ may be the norm in our Western democracies but surely there should be limits to what is reasonable and acceptable.

Here’s the cost of his “gifts” to the Ontario electorate:

  • License plate renewal waiver: $500 million
  • Cutting gas tax $650 million
  • Toll removal: Durham Region unknown
  • Power lines: Windsor, London, Sarnia $ 1 billion over 8 years
  • William Osler Health Centre expansion $ 21 million
  • Joseph Health care support $ 5 million
  • GM grants – Oshawa, Ingersoll $ 259 million
  • Bridge building contract, Bradford Part of $21 billion highway projects
  • Support for Toronto subway extension Unknown amount

Just do an TOTAL approximation to see how much these ‘gifts’ will cost us as voters.

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