CALL CENTRES, Canadian law



This is the law in Canada regarding call centres, I have been informed by one of my readers. Rumour also has it that has it that Canada Post Customer service is headed to India before the New Year.

Many people do not realize this option is open to them.

Any time you call an 800 number (for a credit card, banking, charter communications, health and other insurance, computer help desk, etc. ) and you find that you are talking to a foreign customer service representative with an accent difficult which you find difficult to understand, consider doing the following.

After you connect and you realize that the Customer Service Representative with whom you are speaking is not likely working in Canada as the accent makes comprehension very difficult, you can ask to be connected to “a Customer Service Representative in Canada.”

The rep may suggest talking to his/her manager to which you can reply “Thank you, but I would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative in Canada.”

The law in Canada states that you must be connected to a rep in Canada if you should ask to be so connected.

Your call should be re-directed and this should take less than one minute connecting you to a rep in Canada.

At this point, it may be a good to ask where the rep is speaking from in Canada to verify you are speaking with a rep in Canada.

The sender of this message was not trying to be politically incorrect, nor were they being racist. They were simply trying to connect with an agent who spoke with an accent that permitted better understanding for the caller.

There is a hidden long term benefit to Canadians here: we increase jobs for people in Canada when we ask for more Canadian based agents. However, clarity is not always guaranteed even when speaking with an agent residing in Canada. We have Canadian residents, Canadian workers who are speak with accents. So you still may have a problem with comprehension. But at least by asking for an agent in Canada you are sending a message to the company you are dealing with that we want call centres based in Canada so that we can protect jobs for more Canadians. Hopefully, these workers will speak clearly and with an accent which can be understood more easily.

I do agree with the message sender that we need to slow down and possibly reverse some of our unemployment problems but considering how we can halt the jobs from going off shore.

It is important that we help our Canadian workers and Canadian employment.

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