Courtney Park Writers Group

Courtney Writers Group…

The invitation to attend their summertime BBQ picnic makes this group sound very interesting and inviting….more to come soon.

I was recently invited to a summertime BBQ lunch with a group of writers known as the Courtney Park Writers Group. Unfortunately, medical appointments precluded my attendance and from the commentary descriptions I read, it really is a disappointment that I was unable to attend.

The cast of players seem to be a very dynamic, creative and energized association of writers who are tremendously enthusiastic and engaged with one another and with their craft.

I have been in touch with the lead person of the association who has indicate that she will fill me with more information about the group very soon. I look forward to hearing from her.

Some comments about the PICNIC:

That was a relaxing, pleasant, fun-filled and energizing get together. 
Thank you Mary Ellen for organizing, Trevor and Kay for hosting and everyone for that warmth and synergy. 

Thank you all for a very pleasant evening of sharing a pot luck meal and readings.
A special thanks to Trevor and Kaye for hosting this two times in a row!
It was lovely to meet Kum Kum, Jatin and Frank for the first time. (for me)
Let’s all keep safe and well till we meet again. I would be happy to have you all over to my place in August if you like.
Warm regards,

Hello! It was so lovely to meet you all yesterday. Thanks Trevor and Kay, for your warm hospitality. The years just melted away.

Hi everyone
it was such a pleasure for K. and I to see you all last evening in Georgetown. the picnic was fab- wonderful spread and enough for an army. naturally the darn rain stopped our original plan on an outside meeting but we are glad we were able to come inside. it was a bonus to see our dear K.K. and her recounting the tales of Elvis and Bailey was a delight. and K.K. after you all had left, K. and I had a cup of tea and i opened your gift- how lovely, thank you again- i have never had such luxury, i could get used to being pampered. and we met new friends and of course we all enjoyed hearing the poetry and stories. 
and naturally we are always happy to see Mary Ellen who always manages to keep us going in the right direction. it is nice to have such a group of friends who are not just so clever but so kind and thoughtful. 
until next time, stay well
warmest thoughts

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