A message from Councillor candidate ANTHONY YACUB, WARD 1

“Serving the People. Protecting the Community!”

Dear Ward 1 Residents,

Pickering is our Home, and we need to work together to get results that are
beneficial for you and your families!

I want to protect the quality of life that Pickering has for our long-standing
residents and secure it by reducing the residential tax burden by attracting capital
investment, unleashing entrepreneurship and ensuring we provide affordable
housing for our next generation to call Pickering home.

More than ever, we need collective thought as we continue to fight this war against
the pandemic.

What specifically is in my platform for you:

  • Increase the Pickering Property Tax Grant for Seniors and Persons with
    Disabilities by pegging it against inflation.
  • Keeping our children safe by opposing the creation of additional marijuana
    dispensaries in our Ward.
  • The creation of strategic Entrepreneurial Opportunity Zones which would
    allow Pickering residents to start small business ventures with no city-levied
    property tax for the first three years within strategy zones.
  • Accessibility by providing you direct contact information to myself to get
    your problems and concerns resolved.
  • Fair Representation by Approval of New Ward Boundaries which cost the
    City $60,000 to have the study conducted.
  • Lobbying Durham Regional Council for increased police presence in
    community safety initiatives such as school zones and recreational shared
    services during peak hours (e.g., parks, skateboard facilities, etc.)
  • Reducing Residential Taxation by providing more efficient and cost-
    effective services to the residents.

Who am I?
I am a small business owner of AAA Wellness and Rehab Inc. which is a family
run Medical Center in Scarborough. I started this with my family twelve years ago
and I continue to work hard every day to create a more prosperous society for all. I
come with the experience necessary to reform commercial and industrial taxation
to optimize it to attract business, benefit residents, and protecting the future by
attracting capital investment to make Pickering not a place to pass by but a place to
work, live, and have a high quality of life.

A Clear Stance on 375 Kingston Road


  • The differentiating factor between my fellow candidates and myself is my private
    sector background which doesn’t scare public-private capital venture investors in
    my rationale:
  • This location is unsustainable on the Environmental Sustainability Checklist,
    and it poses a threat to Native Species.
  • There is an insufficient parking plan provided from the developer as they are
    proposing “first come first serve” approach to parking space creation. Mixed
    with the lack of public transit along Kington Road it does not have the
    capability right now to accommodate vehicle parking for the residents.
    o Proposed Parking is being sold independently of condo purchases.
    o The Condo Developers cited that if an occupant of the building now
    requires a parking space, they would either must “incur the extra cost”
    or “find alternative parking”.
  • The Noise Study found that roadway traffic will be a concern to the residents
    of the condo with the proposed plans. When City Council approves
    development, we need it to be sustainable for the investors in the long-term
    which will benefit both current residents and new residents moving as it
    encourages a preservation of capital for everyone.

For the reasons cited, this specific proposed development should not proceed, and
we should not be allowed to proceed even with slight modifications. The rationale
I have laid out does not change whether it is 41 stories or 8 stories, it is transferable
concerns for any re-development for this specific project.

I look at development through two key criteria: Quality of Life Impact for Current
Residents & Preservation of Capital for Existing and Current Residents. We also
need to responsibly develop giving clear benefits to the Pickering community.

The Pickering Casino is a great example of how it generates over a million dollars
of month in City revenue with nearly zero impact to the quality of life to Ward 1

Closing Remarks
If COVID-19 taught all of us something it is that collectively we must work
together to cultivate strong families through safe communities and have a trusted
voice in City Hall working hard and being accountable to you, the residents.

It would be an honour to serve the residents of Ward 1 and I look forward to serving
you on City Council.

Vote Anthony Michael Yacub,
City Councillor Ward 1

Anthony Michael Yacub
C: (647) 525-1900
E: anthony.yacub@icloud.com

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