GIFT GIVING IDEAS like you can’t believe – ISSUES, a store for magazine lovers!

We are dedicated readers of hard print, books, pamphlets and magazines. Lots of magazines. But this store is something else. If you like to give written material as gifts, you are in for pure joy when you explore the racks in this store. It’s absolute treasure trove of magazines…kinds that will make you gift giving unique and very special.

Art designer, graphic artist and bon vivant, Nicky Hamilton, has centred her professional life on the sale of magazines. Her specialty shop, “Issues,” is located in Toronto and if she offered tea or coffee with a lounge chair, one might never leave the store.

Speak with Nicky or Sabrina in the store and the temptation to stay and browse becomes even stronger. These two young women can help you find exceptionally engaging magazines in a haystack of published ones. They will help you align your gift magazine exploration in line with the persona and personality of the recipient of your gifting.

Whet your appetite, taste some of the print appetizers at You’ll be amazed, surprised and enthralled by what you find.

[Disclaimer: I received no enticements were given for this promotion. I just love books and magazines. Plus small business owners need all the support they can get. They’re a dying breed as the world turns.]

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