EDITORIAL: Lisa LAFLAMME screwed by Bell Media, without even an air kiss !

We aren’t watching CTV Nightly News anymore. Would you consider the same boycott?

We don’t know the whole story and we likely won’t just like we won’t hear the real story behind the Rogers Media network collapse in the summer. Do you think the executives at any corporation are going to admit to the possibility that their corporate decision is questionable. In this instance, the decision smells of sexism, ageism, unjustified employment termination. A number of Toronto Star columnists have said it very well: Rosie DiManno, Vinay Menon,  Heather Mallick.

LaFlamme was the star of late-night news across Canada. Our household watched her religiously and watched as her anchor position was slowly eroded. It’s a sad story to see such an eminent Canadian news anchor get kyboshed like this. Screwed without even a kiss.

There are more questions about this termination than meets the eye or is being told. LaFlamme likely is holding back her real feelings and what happened in her view. She’s likely wearing libellous handcuffs. Could sexism be part of the picture? Ageism? Sexual harassment? Outright bullying? There likely is a whiff of each of those though the last one is likeliest. It’s likely the old boys’ club. Do as we say or you’re gone. No matter your value, your support or your fan base. What we say goes and you’re gone!

LaFlamme was the Cronkite of Canadian broadcast news. From what is being told, there is not enough information to clarify if the termination was justifiable but undoubtedly it is questionable. No matter how you look at it, LaFlamme delivered the news with professionalism, frankness, and with credibility. Viewers trusted her newscasts and could relate to her as a trusted newscaster. But something didn’t fit. Something was askew and likely the truth will never be revealed. Perhaps she did not bow to the head honchos. Perhaps she questioned their capability regarding newscast decisions. Afterall, it was her decades of news-related work vs. their months of corporate management. The sad outcome is that one of the best newscasters in Canadian broadcasting will no longer deliver the news to us. Our loss! Also CTV’s loss as the nightly newscast will not be viewed again in this household and possibly many more. Households that support professional women. Households that recognize professionalism be disregarded by corporate bean counters who don’t or refuse to recognize their decision is very questionable. But then, there is not rationale or logic when dealing with bullying.

On another note to watch: Dawna Friesen of Global news. She is being relegated to second-tier broadcasting. Don’t be surprised if you no longer see her soon. After all, shouldn’t newscasts be delivered by sexy, young, provocative women instead of gray-haired, aged woman? Shouldn’t news modernize into what titillates and provokes rather than what informs and delivers?

Let’s add a final thought…Sandy Renaldo, your days are numbered but watch it. You may be deeply invested in CTV  but no matter the investment, the gray hair, facial wrinkles, signs of years of experience and work mean as much as the whisper in the wind. Sandy, you’ll be ejected as easily or readily as Lisa LaFlamme.

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