PICKERING: How to piss off VOTERS and decrease VOTER TURNOUT

Here’s a strategy that is guaranteed to increase voter turnout, but no political group would dare to use it.

Track whether a voter has voted. They could check off an identifier at the polling station or on the Ballot in some way and receive a confirmation number or even a QR code. Wherever asked if they voted, they would use the identifier code or the QR code to confirm that they voted. End of story.

Non-voters would not have any such code. When asked for such code, their failure to provide the necessary confirmation would disentitle them from the service for which the code was requested.

Hence, a food bank patron would have to provide a VOTER CONFIRMATION code to receive the service, a dog tag license applicant the same, or the same for any other service as provided by the city.

VOTERS would be approved for city services upon submission of the VOTER CODE.

A NON-VOTER would not be entitled to any service provided by the city.

Voting turnout would change very quickly if people realized that non-voting would cut them off from city services.

This a very practical strategy which undoubtedly will get a tremendous rejection from people crying over personal rights, rights which have been gained via democratically elected governments.

[Thank you E.G. for the political discussion and suggestion but it will never fly.]

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