12 Essential Writer Tools [ Fee based ]

This list is dynamic, changing periodically as I receive feedback from writers telling me what they are using.

Word processor
My word processor of choice is Microsoft WORD.
MS WORD is not free, available as a package subscription to MS 365 at about $9/mth (US). It is a fair price for what they provide: WORD, EXCEL, ACCESS, POWERPOINT, ONEDRIVE (1 TB) storage.

  1. Free word processor
    Office Libre is a totally free word processing app very comparable to MS WORD.
    An app that checks your spelling in the free version, checks much, much more in the paid version. The free version is all you need.
    An essential app if you write many emails or write repetitive phrases, lists, name, organizations. You select the trigger key set and it types in the phrase you set up. It even works in gmails. So if you type many emails this app is a godsend.
    EXTENSIONS as little applets you can use with Google Chrome. There are 1000’s available, almost all are free. Search and you will find numerous ones which will
    make you writing easier and more efficient.
    An excellent example of a useful extension: Power Thesaurus: type a word for which you want a synonym; instantly receive more than half a dozen.
    Password manager. You should be using one. LASTPASS is not free, $2 US a month. There are comparable free ones available. I have found LASTPASS to be worth the subscription charge.
    Electronic POST IT notes. Expensive but once you learn its full capabilities for writing and retaining your note anywhere in your computer work, you will see it is worth every cent.
    A screen capture app, free version is adequate for most uses. Capture images of our computer screen and insert these images in your work.
    The CADILLAC of word processors. In reality it is far more than a word processor: write sections of your opus, move the sections around as you like, output the sections you want in the format you want. $50 US but it is a tool that only serious writers need. It has a steep learning curve but is an amazing writing tool once you master its basics.
    Although Windows 10 will find anything you want on your computer, search EVERYTHING is amazingly versatile at finding rough approximations of your file names. Free but worth a price. Pricey alternative: Directory Opus; Free alternative: XYplorer.
  10. EXCEL
    Saying this is a spreadsheet that works with numbers is undervaluing the capabilities and uses for this Microsoft program. It can be a data recorder, a list maker, a contacts manager…almost anything that can be made into a list should be using EXCEL. Comes with the MS 365 subscription $9 US/mth
  11. MiMind
    MiMind is a powerful mind mapping tool for organizing your thoughts, laying out schemes, and sharing them with your others. Somewhat like doodling but kicked up many notches because it is used with a computer.
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