South Pickering Seniors Club

The South Pickering Seniors Club
A seniors’ activities club that is excellently developed, very well-organized and finely managed.

Begun in 1974 when 6 seniors met in a basement to talk about forming a seniors club, to the present time where the SPSC has seen amazing growth in membership approaching a  1,000 members. Reopening recently after the covid shutdown, the Club has been in a rebuilding mode.

The Clubhouse: the East Shore Community Centre
The East Shore Community Centre, is a multi-purpose City facility from which we operate rent-free.

The City manages the property and maintenance absorbing all the operating expenses. City staff do the necessary work of property maintainenance and operationgs. It provides free printing of our club News & Views, posters, and all our printing needs. The City provides many extra services and support benefits to help our club operate, and always a not added cost to the club members.

The City also provides annual grants to offset club expenses associated with trips and our “Seniors Active Living Centre.”The club pays an $1 fee for its 5 year lease agreement for use of the property.

The club has full control of its programs and the use of our designated parts of the building facility. The club purchases and consequently own all the equipment used by its members including assets such as tables & chairs, kitchen appliances and games equipment, computers, and electronic equipment. Repair expenses are underwritten by the club.

The purpose of the Club
The Club’s purpose is to plan, promote, direct and operate the social, recreational and health-rewarding activities for its members. It enriches the lives of its members providing low cost programs, in-house activities, special events, trips and social support throughout the year

Club membership
To join the Club you must be 55 years or older, a resident of the City of Pickering or pay taxes to the City. An exception would be where one spouse is 55+ and their partner is under 55.

Club administration, executive, and group convenors
The Club executive and the conveners are all volunteers and many positions are elected.

Club meetings
Club meetings are held each Tuesday morning, attended by the administrative executive, Club directors and occasionally guests.

Club communication
The club is diligent about keeping members informed and does so via:

  • timely announcements and information at the Tuesday meetings
  • An “Information Highway” bulletin board
  • Our “News and Views” publications
  • Our Website –
  • Robo calls
  • Pop-ups on ‘MySenior Center’

The club is dedicated to its members, their participation, their activities and their enjoyment of socialization. It is open to and invites seniors to consider joining. The goal is to provide greater enrichment to life as a senior.


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