I am celebrating Canada Day, full out, with the same passion as always. The Canadian flag flies in front of my home.
I owe Canada a lot: more than seventy-five years of safe, secure living; many opportunities to make a living and work in my chosen profession; being able to live wherever I in the country.
I recognize life has not been as good for some in Canada and that even today, some struggle, faced with endless social and economic difficulties. I believe our government leaders are doing the best they can to make life better for all of us.
Our history has included malevolent times with undesirable people, an inescapable factor in the development of any nation. However, we have and have had political leaders dedicated to improving whatever they can.
The good about Canada outweighs the bad and I celebrate the good.
I am celebrating Canada Day. My Canadian flag is raised, with pride and passion. Canada is the greatest country in the world and I am proud to be a Canadian.
To paraphrase another leader, “Vive le Canada libre!”
Richard Szpin