HELP: “HELP” phone numbers

211 is a helpline that easily connects people to the social services, programs and community supports. It is Canada’s primary source of information for government and community-based, non-clinical health and social services. The free and confidential service can be accessed 24 hours a day, in more than 150 languages, by phone, chat, text, and web.
     211 helps connect people to the right information and services, making their pathway to care and support as smooth as possible.

311 Durham is a non-emergency phone number that provides residents with quick access to non-emergency services and information in the region from which they are phoning. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Durham 311 can help with issues such as reporting potholes, requesting city services, and finding information about city events and programs.

411 is a nationwide information system that provides phone numbers of registered users. The service is not free, charging $1.00 in Canada.

511 is a three-digit dialing code that provides real-time traveler information. The service gives drivers up to date highway and roadway information in the province. 

611 is a Bell Telephone service used to report phone service problems. A voice prompt guides you in what to do and how to do it.

711 is a service for hearing and speech impaired. 
Information updates forthcoming…soon.

811 is a free health information and advice phone line.

911 accesses emergency response services. An operator will ask “AMBULANCE, FIRE or POLICE” to which the caller responds for the service they need. USE THIS NUMBER FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY.


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