NEWS: Conservative ‘shadow’ cabinet minister for seniors, Anna Roberts

The PICKERING-UXBRIDGE Conservative Electoral Association hosted a TOWN HALL recently, July 5, in Pickering.

ANNA ROBERTS, MP, King-Vaughan, and Shadow Cabinet Minister for Seniors was guest speaker.

The approximately one hundred attendees had the opportunity of putting questions, criticisms and issues to Roberts.

Their questions covered a wide range of topics relating to seniors:

  • Aging at home
  • Free transportation for seniors
  • Need for more public education relating to palliative care, seniors care homes
  • Expand medical colleges to increase number of medical professionals
  • Improved control of inflation
  • Tax modifications to improve tax situation for seniors
  • More development of community social groups to address senior loneliness and isolation
  • Greater building of affordable housing along the lines of the Malvern project of the past
  • Improved student equity for Canadian vs. foreign university students
  • Improved assistance to immigrants for better assimilation into Canada

Roberts managed all questions well with personal anecdotes about her family and immigration to Canada as background support to the responses. She was a bank executive before her political career and therefore handled financial questions best.

She acknowledged the lack of affordable homes and retaining homes in times of serious inflation were issues that the Conservatives were studying and planning policies. 

Municipal councilor Maurice Brenner added clarifying information about the Malvern project which split mortgages into house and property divisions. Homeowners paid for the home first and once paid for, then payments would be redirected to the property mortgage. Mara Nagy, councilor from Ward 2, also attended the Town Hall.

The Town Hall was a relaxed and informative one as attendees understood many of Roberts’ replies were based on hope and intent. The Conservatives need to become the government of Canada to launch these hopes and plans.

Likely the greatest benefit of the evening was the Conservative Party demonstrating its strong desire to hear the concerns of local constituents. Thus, this Town Hall.

The man behind the scenes, Anthony Yacub. A promising young politician whose career becomes more developed and refined with all the behind-the-scenes work he does for the PUCDA (PICKERING-UXBRIDGE Conservative Electoral Association) in the region.

He deserves recognition and acknowledgement from the local party execs and the participating constituents for his boundless effort and dedication.


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