- Loblaw’s makes $1,000,000 profit every day.
- Loblaws, Metro and Sobeys all posted above-average profits for 2022 compared to the last five years.
- Loblaw’s revenues were $52.7 billion in 2020.
- Metro earned profits of $823 million in 2020.
Nearly 2 of every 10 families in Durham are seriously affected by inflation and the exorbitant profits earned by the Big 3 food retail chains.
Ask your MP, MPP, municipal councilor, what they are doing about it?
MP: Jennifer O’Connell, jennifer.oconnell@parl.gc.ca
MPP: Peter Bethlenfalvy, peter.bethlenfalvyco@pc.ola.org
Kevin Ashe, kashe@pickering.ca
Maurice Brenner, mbrenner@pickering.ca
Shaheen Butt, sbutt@pickering.ca
Linda Cook, lcook@pickering.ca
Mara, Nagy, mnagy@pickering.ca
Dave Pickles, dpickles@pickering.ca
Lisa Robinson, lrobinson@pickering.ca