Doggie BITS: Con artists supreme !

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2 Responses to Doggie BITS: Con artists supreme !

  1. paul white says:

    It is truly criminal that politicians are allowed to make backroom deals with corporate interests, and ask us to believe that its all for the common good of mankind. The silence of his party members is also quite striking and noticeable. Our Pickering MPP and cabinet member hasn’t said anything negative about the sleazy deal. His silence speaks everything we need to know about his ethical standing. I can hardly contain myself till the next election to turf this crop of underachievers.

    • szpinner says:

      Yes Paul, we agree with you. Unfortunately, by the time the next election is called this example of corruption and irresponsibility will be a long forgotten memory. Sorry to say that but the public’s attention span is weak, memories even weaker and Saul Alinsky’s 9 day theory holds that the story will cool and be replaced in 9 days. We have passed that time and we have new stories headlining the news. The issues of the time of the post, “Dog bits: con artists supreme” has passed long ago.

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