EDITORIAL: How’s living in your city…mine is terrific !

Living here is really good.

Each month I post messages from City of Pickering Council members to my monthly newsletter, This month I invited them to write a message with this note in mind…

People are complaining and lamenting endlessly but what is the general average of most constituents when asked, “What is your opinion of living in Pickering?”

Ask your constituents. Here’s the bottom line, the majority would rate life in Pickering as 8/10. Darn good. The 2/10 represents areas that could use attention but let’s take a closer look at that 2/10 number.

That number represents issues, problems, areas of dissatisfaction. But is the City working on any of those difficulties? You bet it is. Crime? The Durham Police are on it always working at crime reduction, not ignoring any crime in any part of the city. Hate? The City has committees working on Black issues, racism problems, sexism, ageism, hate incidents hoping to reduce incidents of these negative incidents in the city.

OK, let’s consider some more mundane things: potholes on the city roads. The city has repair crews working regularly to fix and maintain proper roads in the city. What about trees and greenery in the city? Again, the city has a department responsible for the maintenance of city parks and city green growth. Phone the city about a tree problem. A response will come within days.

OK, OK, well here’s one that is not being dealt with: high property taxes. Closer examination will show Pickering is pretty well at middle of the pack in property tax levels compared to other cities. Don’t go comparing our tax level to Toronto. People know the real explanation as to how that city maintains low property taxes. Their day of reckoning is coming. Pickering is always working on applying whatever solutions it can find to keep property taxes at acceptable levels.

Pick an issue and a little digging will reveal the city is working to minimize the problems therein.

So what kind of message am I inviting you to write?
Talk to your constituents. Ask them how they feel about living in Pickering? Councilor Nagy was out feeling the pulse of the city at a demonstration recently. Councilor Brenner connected with a neighbourhood association last month co-hosting a Town Hall with them. Mayor Ashe held a Town Hall a few weeks ago that was a “Christmas list” of corporations coming to Pickering creating many jobs. Our councilors are doing the best job they can at making life in Pickering more than just livable but ‘damn good,’ and it is.

We need to hear more messages in the above tone. It isn’t political self-praise. It’s being tuned into the community. It’s showing the citizens that the city is doing the best it can to make life here more than just satisfactory and it is succeeding.

People need to hear that message. They need to be reminded that our political leaders are constantly working at improving life in the city and living here is more than just good.

I remind you the next edition of will be published on Sept. 1, just two weeks away. It’s time to toot the horn of the good life in Pickering. Talk to your constituents, take the pulse of the residents, and let’s publish that good news story.

Living in Pickering is great! No fires, no floods, no horrendous disasters. Instead, safe streets, clean neighbourhoods, quiet parks, a scenic waterfront. We’ve got it all. Let’s remind city residents.

As always, grateful thanks for your input and contribution to newsletter.

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