$ave: SAVE $$$$ on your hotels and restaurant travel expenses

Money saving travel advice travel

Szpinner Hotel Reservation system

Hotels and restaurants take the biggest bite out of your travel bucks but savings can be had with your accommodation expenses.

Do not use Third Party Booking networks
Using third-party booking networks such as Expedia, TripAdvisor, Hotels.com may be convenient and easy but it is going to cost you. Each of these booking systems adds a bit to your hotel expense by adding a surcharge to the hotel price. Each system increases the hotel price a little by adding their commission to the hotel rate.

Avoid use of Expedia, TripAdvisor, Hotels.com, etc
Instead of using one of these kinds of networks, do an Internet search for “Hotels in a selected city.” The results will display a search listing of the hotels by name meeting your search criteria.

Choose a hotel in which you are interested and type its name and city in your search box to get its website. Find the website access and click it to get the phone number of the hotel.

Phone the hotel directly
Phone the hotel directly and negotiate with a live person. This is your opportunity of getting the accommodation you want at the best possible price. Take advantage of it. [ Our phone service provides free long-distance phone calling anywhere in North America making hotel long-distance phoning very cost-effective: free ]

The Szpinner system
With the biggest possible smile on your face, ask these questions:

  1. Best price for the accommodation you need?
  2. Availability of discounts: Seniors, CAA?
  3. Availability of breakfast…saves you spending extra money and inconvenience?
  4. Confirm your credit card information with the hotel
  5. Confirm the necessary person information: Name, address, phone, email
  6. Ask for an email confirmation of the transaction. Keep hotel on the phone till you receive the email confirmation
  7. Upon receipt of the email confirmation, save the email in whatever process you use to save emails.
  8. Print a hard copy of the hotel invoice/reservation to take with you on your trip.

The Szpinner system may not be as convenient as other booking systems but here are its benefits:

Dealing with live person
Error correction/elimination on the spot
No need to seek a refund
Best price
Best suitable accommodation

By using the above process, you can rest assured you will be getting the accommodation you want at the best possible price.


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