Town Hall Report, Oct. 19/23

This Town Hall was another convivial meeting hosted by two female counsellors, Linda Cook and Mara Nagy, along with Counsellor Brenner.



Oral Health 

The town hall’s opening topic was a practical presentation dealing with Oral Health.

Dentists Mohammed Roshdy and Leila Shayanpour, Wyndham Dental Office

Two dentists from Wyndam Manor Dental Care presented this informative and valuable information, the dentists, Mohammed Roshdy and Leila Shayanpour.

Shayanpour covered many aspects of Oral Health, from children to seniors.

Emphasis was given to the damage that sugar-based foods and drinks do to teeth. The dentists underlined that avoidance is best, but moderation is acceptable in the consumption of any sugar-based foods.

Regular dental visits, annually at the very least, were highly recommended.

Though manual toothbrushes were not rejected, electric toothbrushes were highly recommended, particularly those with two features: pressure indicators and timer functions.

Toothpaste and flossing
Toothpaste with fluoride is best with their recommendation of Colgate PreviDent as the best of these.

Flossing is a too often neglected part of dental hygiene. They underlined that incorrect flossing was as bad as not flossing at all and they urged people to ask their dental hygienist to demonstrate the proper way to floss to maximize the effectiveness of this very important dental hygiene process. Even the floss used was explained. The flat floss is more beneficial and effective than the string type with their recommendation being Glide Pro Health floss.

Smoking and vaping
Again, Roshdy and Shasyanpour avoided discouragement of these practices but underlined their negative impact on oral health. Their use increases incidents of dry mouth and the risk of oral cancer.

Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a problem exacerbated by smoking, vaping and consumption of sugar-laden foods. Relieving the symptoms of dry mouth can be done by greater water consumption, chewing certain types of gum such as “Pur,” and using anti-dry mouth’ lozenges. The problem is that a dry mouth allows bad bacteria to damage the teeth.

The bottom line…
Roshdy and Shayanfour closed by underlining the importance of regular dental office attendance and conscientious consumption of proper foods. They advised drinking plain water as best while avoiding sugary drinks/foods of any kind.


Wyndam Manor Dental Care
 81 Middlecote Dr #10
Ajax, ON L1T0K3
Ph: 905-424-7344

 The second part of the Town Hall was the expected open forum of citizen opinions, gripes and pleas.

The areas of anxiety and complaining were:

  • Safety in the city: need for sidewalks everywhere, improved street lighting for pedestrians and more police visibility to deter crime;
  • Bad Air Days: a suggestion was made that residents have city-wide caution about summer days when air pollution is a health risk; that the use of highly polluting fossil fuel tools, lawnmowers, and grass trimmers be discouraged during these bad air pollution days;
  • Traffic flow: complaints were made about the growing traffic congestion in the city; a regionally controlled operation but complaints need to be forwarded by the councillors acknowledged Councillor Cook;
  • Police patrol: again police visibility is requested by concerned citizens; bike patrols should be reinstituted along the waterfront and in park areas to help deter criminal incidents;
  • Improved communication with the public: the usual complaints were voiced about the need for better and broader communication with the city residents; the suggestion of incorporating churches, synagogues and mosques for resident communication was highlighted.

    Next Town Hall
    tentatively NOV 16, 7 pm…location to be finalized

    Councillor Brenner listed some topics being considered for the upcoming town halls, topics with the aim of improving the livability of Pickering:

  • Homelessness and its associated problems;
  • Hate, Anti-blackism, racism;
  • Improving community engagement

    Town Halls are important opportunities for citizens to become involved in improving their municipality. The low turnout of just over a dozen attendees speaks for itself in regard to citizen interest and concern about the well-being and liveability of their city.

    Town Halls occur every few months, and taking an hour to attend and participate in this community endeavour might be an important priority more people might consider given the current display of interest. City councillors spend countless hours trying to make living in the city better but the work can seem futile and non-rewarding unless the citizenry takes an interest and actively participates in the endeavour themselves.






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