EDITORIAL: How a neighbourhood association should be

Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association is an example of a neighbourhood association that is a real benefit to the city and to its neighbourhood.

Neighbourhood associations are groups drawn together to help improve life in their community. There are numerous activities they can carry out to achieve these worthwhile goals. Here’s one example of a community association that not only works for the benefit of its own neighbourhood but also for the benefit of the larger community, the City of Pickering.

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The Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association has been actively working to improve liveability within its neighbourhood and with the city at large for many, many years, approaching 100 years. The association’s president, Paul White, who’s not approaching 100 years, has been dynamically and energetically involved in the community in many ways and for many years. He attends council meetings, town halls, political rallies and charity events, always with an eye on how it may be of value and benefit for his neighbourhood and for the larger community. He has even been involved in politics, campaigning municipally.

The City of Pickering would gain substantially with more associations like FBNA, an association that provides real and concrete contributions to the community.

Read more about the FBNA at —> FBNA


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