Stone Barrington embarks on his most perilous adventure yet when he becomes the lawyer for a sleazy and clueless con man, and ends up getting embroiled in the underworld of the New York mafia.

It starts out as just another night at Elaine’s, where Stone is enjoying the company of friends. Then the notoriously not-so-sharp Herbie Fisher walks in, and the pleasant atmosphere turns to ice. Herbie convinces Bill Eggers, managing partner of Woodman & Weld, to sign him as a client – with the goal of taking down infamous mafia boss Carmine Datilla. And even though Stone doesn’t want to have anything to do with Herbie, or the mafia for that matter, he is soon coerced into the job by Eggers. With the help of ex-partner Dino, Stone investigates “Datilla the Hun” and the rest of the family – encountering intrigue and danger at every turn. Will Stone end up at the bottom of Sheepshead Bay?

Richard says
Like always, Stuart Woods writes novels that are frivolous, vacuous reading. No deep character development, no intricate plot, no philoosophical message…simply fun reading. Woods writes great dialogue. He moves almost the entire story using conversations, dialogue. It’s like watching people engaging in open conversation. Scene transitions get fuller description to set the stage, orient the reader. Otherwise, the reader is just hearing people talk with one another. It’ a great way to move a story along, quickly, cleanly and in Woods case, entertainingly.

This title was one of Woods’ better books.

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